
Man accused of making hammer in alleged attack on wife

A man in his 60s was formally arrested and charged Monday with charges including producing a hammer during an alleged assault on his wife in January. He replied: β€œShe made my life hell.”

Detective Garda Mick Dolan accused the man of producing the hammer during an assault in January and writing his wife a letter on May 17, contravening a restraining order.

Defendant did not respond to the first charge and responded to the charge of violating a restraining order.

As this accusation is contrary to the Domestic Violence Act, neither party can be identified.

The same man was previously charged with assault causing injury to his wife in the January incident.

Sergeant Dave Delea told Cork District Court that the Director of Public Prosecutions had ordered the case to continue by indictment at Cork Circuit Criminal Court.

In some cases, the DPP also allows the accused to plead guilty in the district court and pass sentence in the circuit court. The DPP has not authorized a signed guilty plea to the charges should this occur.

Instead, a book of evidence is to be prepared on all charges and the matter will ultimately be dealt with at Cork Circuit Criminal Court.

Judge Mary Dorgan remanded the accused in custody until May 31, when the case is expected to be further adjourned.

The accused was represented by solicitor Shane Collins-Daly.

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