
Major crackdown on human trafficking in Jordan

The Jordanian Public Prosecutor's Office has taken decisive action against human traffickers involved in illegal migration cases.

An Irbid prosecutor ordered the detention of an individual for 15 days in a correctional facility on charges of human trafficking after he facilitated an illegal trip that endangered the victims' lives.

Another individual, owner of a travel agency, was banned from traveling for three months, extendable to one year, under Article 15/A/3 of the Anti-Human Trafficking Act .

Human trafficking through illegal immigration is considered a serious crime under Jordanian law, punishable by penalties of up to 20 years in prison and fines of up to 20,000 dinars. The law considers that these crimes involve aggravating circumstances due to their transnational nature and the involvement of several perpetrators and victims.

Two victims of illegal migration filed complaints with security authorities, leading the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit to investigate and uncover evidence of a transnational human trafficking operation, involving multiple perpetrators and victims, in accordance with articles 9/C/8 and 9/C/2 of Law No. 9 of 2009 against human trafficking and article 76 of the Penal Code.

The case, reported by the Jordanian news agency (Petra), highlights the serious risks faced by victims of illegal immigration, who often deal with unknown smugglers and traffickers. Victims face financial exploitation, life-threatening living conditions and international border violations, with their documents destroyed and their identities hidden.

Article 12/C of the Anti-Human Trafficking Law requires authorities to protect the physical and psychological well-being of victims, provide necessary health, psychological, educational and social care and facilitate their safe and prompt return to their country of origin, taking into account the best interests of all children concerned.

The law also ensures that victims are allowed to present their cases during investigations and trials, ensuring that their identity and age are established in order to protect them from the perpetrators of the crimes.

Victims are entitled to temporary stay in Jordan during investigations and trials, legal assistance, translation services, compensation for material and moral damages, and confidentiality of related information. Suitable shelters and necessary safety protection are also provided.

Unlike other legislation, the law grants the Attorney General the authority to stop prosecuting victims if they have been coerced into participating in human trafficking crimes. Affected parties can appeal the prosecutor's decision.

The Public Prosecutor's Office urged anyone who is a victim of illegal migration intermediaries and human traffickers to come forward to the authorities, with the aim of identifying the main perpetrators and protecting individuals and the community.

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