
Mainland Chinese and Taiwanese coast guards in tense confrontation near Quemoy

Coast guards from mainland China and Taiwan were involved in a tense standoff near Quemoythe latest outbreak near the Taiwan-controlled island also known as Kinmen.

The incident occurred after four mainland Chinese coast guard vessels were patrolling waters just 5 nautical miles from the island's defense outpost, according to the Taiwan Coast Guard.

The vessels entered restricted waters around 6 a.m. Tuesday. Two ships approached from the north of Beiding Islet, while the other two entered the waters south of Fuxing Islet.

Mainland Chinese ships are reportedly patrolling waters just 5 nautical miles from the island's defense outpost. Photo: Weibo/China Coast Guard

Taiwan's coast guard sent three patrol boats to monitor ships from mainland China and issued radio warnings for them to move away.

It said there was a standoff for two hours until ships from mainland China left the area around 8 a.m.

Taiwanese Defense Minister Wellington Koo said the mainland Chinese boats were trying to challenge Taiwan's border claims around Quemoy.

In a statement, the Taiwan Coast Guard said the actions of the mainland China Coast Guard “do not contribute to maintaining Quemoy-Xiamen relations or enhancing regional stability.”

In response, the mainland coastguard said their actions were “legal.”

“Since June, the Fujian Coast Guard has organized fleets to continuously strengthen law enforcement patrols in the waters near Kinmen, thereby strengthening control over the relevant maritime areas,” the Fujian Coast Guard said. the mainland in a press release.

He said the patrols effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests, as well as the safety, of fishermen, including those from Taiwan.

Beijing views Taiwan as part of its territory to be unified with the mainland, by force if necessary. Most countries, including the United States, do not recognize the independence of the self-governing island but oppose any unilateral change of the status quo by force.

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