
Loving family tribute to tragic Heacham teenager Adele Carty

Adele Carty died at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital after suffering an adverse reaction to anesthesia during hip and knee surgery.

Despite extensive efforts to save her short life amid complications, the Heacham teenager suffered cardiac arrest as she was about to be transferred to a pediatric intensive care unit at Great Ormond Street Hospital and died in the early hours of May 23. 2023.

An inquest into her death found she had lived a medically complex life after being born several weeks premature, including cerebral palsy, an inguinal hernia at birth and scoliosis.

(Image: Kevin Nolan)

Her medical conditions required her to undergo several operations during her life, including six months before her death, when she underwent spinal surgery.

However, her parents described how she never let any of these things stop her from living life to the fullest.

In a statement read to the court, his mother Anna Carty spoke of the Smithdon High pupil's active life, including attending Rainbows, Brownies and Girl Guides and developing a passion for drama.

She said: “Adèle lived life to the fullest. She loved school. Parents' evenings were never a problem and the teachers always said that if all the students were like her they would have an easy life.

“She took her drama seriously and always wanted to be the best she could be.

“There are no words to describe our loss. The months since her death have passed so quickly, but we find strength in knowing that Adele had the most amazing 15 years with us.”

Speaking afterwards, her father, Kevin Nolan, said: “Despite everything she went through, all the operations, being born and growing up, she did everything she wanted to do.

“She was always incredibly positive, loved her drama and owned the stage every time she was on it.”

Complications of anesthesia

(Image: Kevin Nolan)

Throughout her life, Adele had to undergo various operations, including a number of surgeries to insert growing rods into her back due to scoliosis, a condition that causes curvatures of the spine.

However, over the past year, she began having more difficulty with her mobility, requiring her to undergo two more surgeries.

In November 2022, she had to undergo spinal surgery at Addenbrooke's in Cambridge – for which anesthesia was used without complications.

She was due to have separate hip and knee surgery in March 2023, but this was delayed by seven weeks after she tested positive for Covid-19.

The operation was postponed until May 22, but during the first anesthesia, his oxygen levels began to drop.

(Image: Kevin Nolan)

Consultant anesthetist Jasmine Kaur told the court an x-ray was carried out and discussions took place about whether she should continue. But after his condition improved, it was decided to continue the operation, albeit reduced.

But after the first stage of the operation, his condition began to deteriorate rapidly again and the operation was stopped.

She died at 1:23 a.m. on Tuesday, May 23.

Regional coroner Samantha Goward gave a narrative conclusion that Adele died from anesthesia-related complications during an operation that were due to pre-existing health conditions.

She said: “It is very clear that despite her difficulties, Adele lived her life to the fullest and worked hard to make sure her conditions held her back.

“I think children are incredibly resilient and sometimes don't let things affect them in the same way adults do, and it's very clear that Adele didn't do that.”

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