
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Discusses Fighting Crypto Crimes on Podcast

In a recent episode of the Public Key podcast, Deputy Sheriff Tony Moore of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department shared his thoughts on combating cryptocurrency crimes. This discussion highlighted the complexity of investigating and controlling the cryptoverse, with a focus on the evolving techniques needed to stay ahead of cybercriminals.

Advances in Web3 surveys

Moore, who has been educating law enforcement about Bitcoin (BTC) since its inception, discussed various challenges and advancements in cryptoverse surveillance with Ian Andrews, CMO of Chainalysis. Moore shared his experiences tackling crimes such as social media partying, cryptocurrency scams, pig butchering and SIM card swapping. He also stressed the importance of continuous learning and adaptation to new technologies.

“We took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States… But nowhere does it say, 'Oh, except for the Internet.' We can’t get into the internet business or the crypto business,” Moore asserted, reinforcing the need for law enforcement to engage and understand the digital landscape.

Complexities of Crypto Crimes

During the podcast, Moore detailed several cases that demonstrate the complexity of crypto crimes. He recounted an operation involving nitrous oxide (NOS) parties announced on social media and the subsequent crackdown on these illegal activities. Moore also spoke about his first encounters with crypto in law enforcement and the challenges of regulating cryptocurrency ATMs.

One prominent case highlighted by Moore involved a suspect operating multiple crypto ATMs without proper registration. This led to a major takedown operation in conjunction with the IRS and HSI, which allowed the suspect to plead guilty to money laundering for dark net sellers and human trafficking.

Community and federal collaboration

Moore also highlighted the role of community and federal partnerships in combating crypto crimes. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department collaborates with various federal agencies, such as the IRS, FBI and DEA, to resolve cross-jurisdictional issues. These partnerships are crucial to addressing the global nature of cryptocurrencies and ensuring that law enforcement can keep pace with technological advancements.

“Our federal partners have been exceptional, just exceptional in terms of…I think we get as much from them as they do from us,” Moore noted, emphasizing the mutual benefits of these collaborations.

Educational initiatives

Moore is also deeply involved in law enforcement training through courses such as “Policing the Cryptoverse: Intro to Web 3.0 Investigative Techniques.” This advanced course covers topics such as smart contracts, cross-chains, bridges, and decentralized storage systems, providing investigators with the knowledge needed to handle complex crypto cases.

“It’s going to be like drinking from a fire hose.” You will be overwhelmed. But I guarantee you, stick with me, by day five it will all make sense,” Moore said, describing the intensive nature of his educational programs.

Future prospects

Looking ahead, Moore is optimistic about the integration of blockchain and AI technologies into law enforcement. He believes that continuous learning and adaptation are essential to staying ahead of cybercriminals and effectively controlling the cryptoverse.

For more detailed information and to listen to the full discussion, visit the original source on Chainalysis.

Image source: Shutterstock

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