
Lockwood's peacock disappearance leaves neighbors in turmoil and caravan park drained of magic

LOCKWOOD — About a week ago, residents said a peacock that frequented the Emerald View mobile home park went missing.

“Everybody in this community loved this bird. I didn’t realize how much of an impact this bird had on everybody,” said Kara Glandt, an Emerald View resident who often fed the peacock fruit and nuts.

Credited with names such as Kevin, Earl, Blueberry and The Peacock, most residents have spoken of its majesty and entertaining nature.

“It seemed like everyone who met him had their own name for him,” said Nick Hagel, a park neighbor who often watched the peacock fan his feathers for his chickens.

Although the bird's origins remain a mystery, many suspected it came from the Strobie family who live on Emerald View Road.

“Peacocks eat snakes. My neighbor who we bought this house from didn’t like snakes, so she raised peacocks. She got a pair from her sister and gave them to me,” said Teresa Strobie, who now focuses on raising llamas. “The last one, I think it died about 20 years ago.”

Residents of Emerald View said the bird's disappearance was less mysterious than its arrival.

“We heard some commotion outside, around midnight – and somebody – I mean, I don't know. I can't say because I don't have any information, but he's been missing since that night,” Glandt said.

She and other residents said they suspected a neighbor of, at a minimum, removing the peacock from the park. A handful of residents said they found the peacock disruptive.

“The peacock can be annoying sometimes, but so are the firefighters and the refinery,” resident Bo Scott said, quoting his mother.

No matter the circumstances surrounding the peacock's disappearance, most say they want to know what happened and that some magic is now gone.

“It’s just really sad. I mean, like I said, I started to love the bird,” Glandt said, “It was something to look forward to every day, other than the routine, going to work, coming home house, cook dinner, clean.”

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