
Lockport woman missing | News

A Lockport woman was reported missing by her husband after he disappeared from their home last week.

Sara Nicole Morningstar, 29, has been missing since approximately 2:30 p.m. on May 24, when she unexpectedly left her East Avenue residence, according to her husband Luke.

The couple had planned to go out for her birthday around 1:30 p.m. that day and he said she went upstairs to the house and didn't return.

“After a while… I realized she hadn't come down yet, so I decided to go upstairs and look for her, and she couldn't be found anywhere in the house, and the front door was wide open,” Luke said.

After checking the home's security cameras, Luke said it appeared Sara exited the home and began walking east on East Avenue.

“That was the last time we saw her,” Luke told the Union-Sun & Journal.

Luke said he reported Sara missing to the Lockport Police Department the next day.

He added that she is considered a “vulnerable adult” because she was diagnosed with manic depression and bipolar disorder and had previously run away.

Sara is 5 feet 5 inches tall and was last seen with black and dark orange hair; she has tattoos on both arms and several piercings in her face, Luke said.

Anyone with information about Sara is asked to call LPD at 716-439-6723.

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