
Local teen makes her mark in stock car racing family

Last fall, she was state runner-up in cross country. Earlier in March, she was part of Eastside's state championship girls basketball team.

Today, Shelby Stanley aspires to something completely different, within the confines of his own race car.

While you could find Stanley on the basketball court throughout the winter season, you will now likely find her on the track in her hometown at Lonesome Pine in Coeburn as the calendar shifts to the summer months.

“Really special. I've always been into racing,” Stanley said. “We come from a racing family. My grandfather has been racing since I knew him, so I've always wanted to run since I was little. So when I had the opportunity, we got into karts and legendary cars, and that's what led to this. So it's been really good.

Not only has Stanley found a home close to home at “The Pine” where she has settled in for her first full season in the Sportsman Car division, but she will enter July with a commanding lead in the points standings.

“It went pretty well, but we had been in second place for a while. Then we took over, which was a very good step forward,” added Stanley. “I hope we can get our first victory soon. »

And that first win can't come soon enough for a young girl who carries a huge weight of passion and determination – something that translates into every sport she plays, right down to the track every weekend.

“I’ve always loved her work ethic. She’s a very humble kid and I have to get her excited sometimes,” said Shelby’s mother, Brandi. “I know she gets excited when she accomplishes something and I know she’s proud of herself, but she doesn’t really show it.”

This attitude likely comes from her father, Jamie, whose footsteps she followed into the world of auto racing – the two sharing a bond that has them both racing for Chase Dixon Motorsports. Chase helps the Stanleys house their cars in his Blountville workshop as he continues his incredible success on the track as a young local auto racing mogul.

Dixon gives the Stanleys a place to enjoy their hobby together.

“Working with them is phenomenal. I really couldn't find anyone better than Chase Dixon Motorsports to host our cars,” said Jamie Stanley. “It makes me feel really good that she wants to do something that interests me. come over on Saturday night and spend our time doing something we both really enjoy.

It's a father-daughter bond that goes beyond the ins and outs of racing, it's also an opportunity for them to help each other.

“To be honest with you, I think she helps me more with her advice,” Jamie said. “I just switched to asphalt this year, and I've actually watched her a lot and talked with her. She taught me as much as I taught her. »

And that also falls to Shelby's grandfather – creating an entire family bond every weekend at the track.

“I grew up in high school spending a lot of time here with my stepdad,” Brandi said. “I really never thought I’d be back here with Jamie and Shelby racing, but I’m really proud of them.”

As a multi-sport athlete, Shelby has always found a way to juggle all of her commitments — and this summer, she learned how to switch from basketball camps and track practices to enjoying her favorite activity.

She even got a crazy taste of double duty last Saturday when her mom Brandi picked her up from a camp in North Carolina — then drove straight to Lonesome Pine for practice and qualifying.

“I just have to do it. That’s what I told myself. ‘I went in there and took a nap to try to get a little more energy,’” Shelby said with a smile. “It’s been tough going from basketball to this and being mentally and physically tired, so I’m pushing myself to be the best I can be and always push myself that extra step.

This mentality and courage that supports Shelby in the way she goes about her business – always with winning in mind – and gets better every day.

“She is quite motivated. You don’t have to push her much and she’s a great girl,” Jamie said. “She’s quite stubborn. I saw the girl training in the evening for two hours with a late model, and as soon as she leaves here, she goes ahead and runs two or three kilometers by herself. »

Shelby's focused personality also makes her an inspiration to other girls, being one of the few women to run and achieve success in racing.

“As soon as I get on the track, nothing else matters,” Shelby said. “It’s something special because I love influencing young girls, knowing that it’s okay to be different and stand out. »

Ultimately, when transitioning from one sport to another, running will always hold first place in her heart and the connection she has with her family.

“Basketball, I really love it, but racing is just my thing. You’re always playing. It might not be as big a stage, but you still have to know what you’re doing,” Shelby said. “And it’s not just about racing, it’s about life lessons. I’m always coming to the track and learning something, so that’s a big thing for me.”

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