
Linden Mayor, School Officials Sued for Alleged Anti-Semitism

Linden Mayor Derek Armstead

Linden Mayor Derek Armstead has apologized for making anti-Semitic comments apparently aimed at preventing the hiring of religious Jews in the school district.

The apology came in response to a May 23 complaint filed by Paul Oliveira, Linden's former deputy superintendent, against the mayor, Schools Superintendent Atiya Perkins and Board of Education President Marlene Berghammer, among others, accusing them of having plotted against the Jews.

The lawsuit claims Berghammer instructed Oliveira “to only consider potential candidates who were African-American and/or of Haitian descent” in recorded conversations.

“This is what needs to happen to keep our community from being overrun by guys with big hats and curls,” Oliveira said, according to Armstead at a Jan. 22 meeting, at the same time time as several other anti-Semitic remarks.

Oliveria said he was forced to take medical leave due to his allegations and ultimately resigned on April 14. The suit accuses his treatment of violating the state's Discrimination and Conscientious Employee Protection Act.

In a released statement, Armstead said, “The Mayor apologizes for comments referring to Hasidic Jews as 'guys with big hats and curls,' and remains strongly committed to diversity and inclusion in the community.

The suit alleges that Oliveria questioned the “unlawful directives.” Two days after the January meeting, it says Perkins “suddenly began criticizing Complainant's job performance through emails and official memos.”

The lawsuit says Oliveria found himself caught up in an “unlawful, unethical, and discriminatory hiring scheme and that the hiring requests were “specifically designed to (1) marginalize individuals of one race/ nationality (i.e. Jewish individuals) to the detriment of others. applicants who were not Jewish and (2) allowing defendants to “screen” specific applicants they wish to hire in the Linden School District, based on illegal criteria.

Armstead questioned the “timing and motivations” behind the leak and lawsuit, given that he is running in a crowded field July 16 to fill the remainder of the term of Rep. Donald Payne, who died April 24 .

The accusations outlined in the complaint were condemned by Shlomo Schorr, legislative affairs director for New Jersey Agudath Israel.

“Like all people of good conscience, I was appalled by the recent anti-Semitic comments made by Linden Mayor Derek Armstead,” he said. “The growth of the Jewish community in Linden and the surrounding area should be celebrated and encouraged, not denigrated behind closed doors. Describing the Hasidic community by their choice of hairstyles and hairstyles is offensive, but more disturbing was their apparent desire to discriminate against the Orthodox community in hiring decisions.

He said Armstead was sworn to “impartially and fairly discharge all the duties of his office” and was responsible for all residents of the city.

“The community has a right to know whether the discriminatory policy he suggested has ever been implemented in the school district or other local government entities,” Schorr said. “At a time when anti-Semitism in New Jersey is at an all-time high, civic leaders bear the responsibility for fighting hate and anti-Semitism, not engaging in it. »

*Faygie Holt contributed to this article.

Debra Rubin has had a long career in journalism, writing for secular weeklies and dailies as well as Jewish publications. She most recently served as Middlesex/Monmouth bureau chief for the New Jersey Jewish News. She has also worked with the media at several nonprofit organizations, including serving as deputy director of public relations for HIAS and deputy director of media relations at Yeshiva University.

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