
Lethal Weapon 5 | Mel Gibson confirms that he directs

It's certain: Lethal Weapon 5 is going to happen, according to Mel Gibson – and he's going to direct it too.

Mel Gibson's latest film as director hits theaters this October. It's called Flight Risk and stars Mark Wahlberg in the lead role, with Lionsgate set to distribute the film. After that, Gibson had his long-discussed sequel to The passion of Christ that he plans to achieve. According to this? Looks like he's turning his attention to another project that's been in the works for a long, long time: Lethal Weapon 5.

Before he died in 2021, director Richard Donner had planned to direct the fifth film himself, after directing each of the others in the series. After his death at the age of 91, it seemed that plans for Lethal Weapon 5 had been retired at this point.

This is not the case. Mel Gibson has indicated his desire to take up the mantle, joining Danny Glover in front of the camera and directing the action behind it. Now, he's confirmed that's very much the case in a new podcast interview. “I am going to direct the fifth film of the Deadly weapon series,” he said to an applauding crowd. He said Richard Donner “kind of tasked me with carrying the flag home on that one”, describing it as an “honour”.

Gibson also revealed that Richard Donner “made a good place for the script” of Lethal Weapon 5, and so the plan is to use a lot of what Richard Donner had put together. They've been working on the script ever since, and apparently “it touches on some tough issues” among its humor.

Of course, a lot has happened since the last film in the saga was released in 1998. In that time, Mel Gibson's personal life saw him fall from the top of Hollywood's casting list to a place far behind. 'be up to it. It remains to be seen whether the audiences for the films and for Gibson headlining a film will stick around.

But ultimately it seems that Lethal Weapon 5 it will happen…

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