
“Leave your arms” is an appeal from the inhabitants of Roj to their children. »

Sabri Taha's brother, Walid Taha Sabri (45), indicated that he had severed his relationship with his brother since he joined the ranks of the “Peshmerga Roj”, and expressed his position towards him by saying : “When he joined the Roj Peshmerga, I asked him to back off, but he said he couldn't do that after that. I broke up with him and no longer communicate with him.

Walid Taha expressed his wish that his brother would defect from this group, and called on him and all its members, saying: “All citizens of Rojava must return. I call on my brother to remove this garment and return home and not shed the blood of his brothers, we reject this.

“Leave the gun while you can.”

The brother of Faris Suleiman Shallah (43), Ibrahim Suleiman Shallah (44), who traveled to southern Kurdistan in 2012 and joined the ranks of the Roj Peshmerga 12 years ago, explained that they opposed his brother joining the Roj Peshmerga. , and he expressed his dissatisfaction and rejection of this proposal.

He said: “I told him, if you want to defend your homeland, then come back and join the Syrian Democratic Forces. The Roj Peshmerga cooperate with the enemy. Our enemy uses them and incites them against the guerrillas to provoke a civil war. We reject this, because the guerrillas are our brothers. I asked him several times to abandon his weapons and return to defend his homeland. He told me that he joined the Peshmerga Roj because of this. economic situation. I told him that the economic situation here is better and you can work here, so leave this group so as not to face your brothers. However, he refused, so I told him he didn't want us anymore. Nothing and we will not return his body here if he is exposed to any danger, because we are not on his side or those of people like him.

Faris Suleiman Shallah again called on his brother to give up the weapon and said: “Leave the weapon, and you can do it, and we will do what is necessary, but if you do not return, we will completely disown you, and we will will not care about the harm you suffer.

“Do not let the enemy rejoice over you.”

Mohammad Ali also called on his nephew to leave the Peshmerga Roj, saying: “I hope that no Kurd will direct his weapons towards the Kurds.” They should not serve the enemy. ISIS/Daesh launched its attacks before the eyes of the world, and it was the guerrillas and young Kurdish men and women who defended us against these attacks. Without them, our houses would have collapsed on our heads. The Kurds must confront the enemy and not each other. Pointing guns at the guerrillas is not only treason, but also a crime. They (the Kurds) must build their homeland together. My beloved, I hope you will not allow the enemy to rejoice in you.

The nephews of Mohammad Ali (64), Khalil Khaled (35) and Hassan Ismail (25) went to southern Kurdistan from Rojava in 2012 to escape compulsory military service with the Damascus government. Khalil Khaled joined the Peshmerga Roj 8 years ago, and Hassan Ismail 6 years ago.

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