
Law & Order star Angie Harmon's teenage daughter charged with breaking and entering

Law & Order star Angie Harmon's teenage daughter was arrested after breaking into a nightclub with two friends and stealing $500 worth of alcohol.

Avery Sehorn, 18, was arrested following the incident at World nightclub in Charlotte, North Carolina on June 6. She was charged with felony breaking and entering and theft, according to the Meckelnburg County Sheriff's Office.

This comes shortly after Angie Harmon made headlines last month when she filed a lawsuit against Instacart and one of its drivers, who allegedly shot one of her dogs.

The owner of World nightclub, who wished to remain anonymous, told WCCB that Sehorn and two 17-year-old boys broke in through a back door of the venue, then hid behind the bar and drank his alcohol .

The three teenagers were reportedly caught by a member of cleaning staff and fled. They were arrested by the police shortly afterwards.

Angie Harmon (pictured). Her teenage daughter was arrested after she and two others allegedly broke into a nightclub in Charlotte, North Carolina (Getty Images)

According to the arrest warrant obtained by WCCB, the trio is accused of stealing six bottles of alcohol worth $500.

The independent has contacted the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and the Mecklenburg County Sheriff for more information on the incident.

Harmon representatives have also been contacted for comment.

Sehorn is the daughter of Harmon and former NFL star Jason Sehorn. The incident occurred less than a week after Sehorn's June 2 high school graduation. At the time, her mother posted on Instagram: “We are all immensely proud of you Avery!

“You have conquered, conquered and excelled to shine brightly with the stars! Remember to leave each place better than you found it and we are all very excited to see what God has planned for you! »

The alleged incident occurred at World nightclub in Charlotte, North Carolina on June 6 (Google Streetview)

The family also made headlines recently after an Instacart delivery driver shot and killed one of their dogs in March.

Last month, Harmon filed a lawsuit against the grocery delivery company and driver for alleged trespass, conversion, negligence, negligent supervision/hiring, invasion of privacy and negligent misrepresentation.

A man, named Christopher Anthony Reid in the lawsuit, allegedly posed as an older woman named “Merle” and arrived to deliver groceries to the house on March 30.

The trial, seen by People, said Harmon rushed downstairs after hearing “what sounded like a gunshot.” She rushed downstairs to find Reid with a gun and the injured animal, which later died.

Harmon is seeking more than $25,000 in damages.

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