
kyiv's miracle weapons decimate the Russian army

And these weapons are quite deadly. Over the weekend, Ukrainian forces achieved several notable milestones. An example of the Kremlin's most advanced and expensive aircraft, a Su-57 stealth fighter jet, was hit at Akhtubinsk airfield in southern Russia. One of six strikes capable of firing Russia's “wonder weapon” – a hypersonic missile – the strike was a powerful sign of kyiv's growing power.

Around the same time, a Ukrainian warplane launched a cross-border attack, apparently targeting and destroying a “command node” in Belgorod and an ammunition depot. We don't know what weapons were used, but they must have been very advanced. Without the ability to command and control their troops, Russia's beleaguered conscripts will be even more of a rabble than they currently are, and without ammunition they will go nowhere.

Simultaneously, advanced Ukrainian drones launched a significant assault on Russian warships docked at the port of Taganrog. This drone attack was also unprecedented, as it represented the first successful strike by kyiv's drones on a Russian target in the Sea of ​​Azov since the invasion began. Throughout the conflict, kyiv has proven to be very adept at drone warfare. She saved them in 2022. Now, with all their subsequent innovations, she is reversing the trend in 2024.

If Russia fails to protect its most valuable military assets, it means it is now running out of air defense capabilities and its situation will only get worse.

kyiv has fought an unequal battle for too long, putting it in the impossible position of seeing Russia massing its troops across its own border, unable to strike them. Now that this has changed, I think the Kharkiv front will start to turn in kyiv's favor. Russia cannot sustain the number of industrial casualties it is currently facing – more than 500,000 to date. It doesn't matter how good the Russian industrial complex is. In the modern era, this figure is simply not tenable.

An unfair narrative has formed that the trend recently has been entirely on Russia's side, with Ukraine crippled by Western leaders fearing Putin's nuclear weapons. But as Francis Dearnley wrote in the Telegraph yesterday, perhaps it is time to question this narrative. Ukraine has successfully defended itself against enormous attacks and can now go on the offensive and make the most of its fighting spirit and Western military hardware, without being constrained by the ridiculous military constraints imposed by the West.

The Kremlin has removed all experienced military commanders, and a few weeks ago there were rumors that Putin was seeking a cease-fire. This war did not degenerate despite the crossing of numerous red lines, as Russian propaganda wants us to believe in order to frighten everyone.

Ukraine has already gained freedom of maneuver in the Black Sea by destroying the Russian fleet, and it appears that the Ukrainian Air Force is gaining parity in the air, which could turn into air superiority even before the arrival of Western F16s. Many experts predict, including myself, that a small advance could lead to the collapse of Russian forces, particularly on the Crimean front. If Putin loses Crimea, he will lose the war.

Those vying to lead this country on July 5 must understand that the reason this war started is because we, along with other NATO countries, have turned our eyes away from the Russian threat and reduced our armed forces to so much so that they no longer constituted a conventional means of deterrence. Thank goodness we have Trident (for now). It's not over yet, but we're deep into the second half and Ukraine have just scored a crucial goal to give them the lead.

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