
Koljenšić sentenced to 30 years in prison

Koljenšić (archives, Photo: Savo Prelevic

Ratko Koljenšić was sentenced today to 30 years in prison for the criminal offense – criminal conspiracy and criminal offense – aggravated murder while helping Nikola Bojović in Belgrade.

Bojović was killed by Saša Cvetanović.

The first instance verdict was delivered by Podgorica High Court judge Vesna Kovačević.

The verdict accepted the proposal of the prosecutor, who proposed on May 13 that the court sentence Koljenšić to 30 years in prison.

In explaining the verdict, the judge said that CCTV cameras confirmed that Koljenšić and Cvetanović met and that Koljenšić signaled with a hand gesture the place where Nikola Bojović was going to meet.

Koljenšić came to trial free.

Kovačević issued a decision ordering Koljenšić's custody and police officers will take him to the Directorate for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions (UIKS) in Spuz.

Kovačević said the defense had the right to appeal the decision and the detention order, as well as the first instance verdict.

The indictment states that between the end of April 2013 and July 16, 2013, on the territory of Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia, the accused Ratko Koljenšić intentionally became a member of an organized criminal group whose aim is to commit crimes punishable by 40 years in prison, organized by Miloš Delibašić and Slobodan Saranović, now deceased, and whose members were Miloš Vojinović, Slaviša Novaković and Goran Maletić née Bojanić.

The indictment states that Delibašić and Saranović S. developed a plan for the organized criminal group to hide group members, provided money, weapons and ammunition and organized weapons training shooting for Saša Cvetanović and Vojinović, on an improvised shooting range and using plastic. targets. dolls in the town of Lijeva Rijeka in Montenegro, in order to commit murder and other criminal acts.

The indictment states that they provided 150,000 euros for carrying out the plan and paying compensation to members of an organized criminal group, and that they monitored the movements and established habits of the people they they were considering eliminating. They planned to kill Vladimir Jovanović from Belgrade, Luka Đurović from Bar and Korać Filip from Belgrade, whom they considered members of Luka Bojović's rival criminal group, whom they considered responsible for the murder of the now deceased Branislav Saranović , which was carried out on 08. to 10 in Belgrade.

In April and May 2013, in Belgrade and Budva, the accused Ratko Koljenšić intentionally helped someone commit murder, accepting the offer of the now deceased Slobodan Saranović and Saša Cvetanović to kill Nikola Bojović, his brother born Luka Bojović. The indictment states that he rented an apartment in Belgrade, where he stayed with Cvetanović, and rented a car from a car rental agency, then together followed the movements and established habits of Nikola Bojović. The indictment states that Cvetanović killed Bojović on April 30, 29, after which they returned to Montenegro together.

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