
Just fired CPD officer punched teen in face

New documents detail a confrontation between a Columbus police officer and a teenager.

The incident took place in February, but video of the incident was just released Friday, a day after Officer Donovan Bever was fired.

On Thursday, ABC 6 reported that Bever was fired for “use of force inconsistent with policy.” In that same article, ABC 6 reported that Robert Spann was also fired from CPD following unrelated accusations that he engaged in “inappropriate sexual behavior while on special duty at a grocery store.” .

“Today I was informed of the termination of two Columbus police officers,” union President Brian Steel said in a statement Thursday. “As president of the Fraternal Order of Police, Capital City Lodge #9, I will review the two cases, which are not related, to ensure that the collective bargaining agreement has been respected.

“Our legal obligation is to ensure that the rights of our officers are protected and due process is followed. Each case will be meticulously reviewed and a determination of merit will be made accordingly.”

ABC 6 obtained video of the incident from Bever on Friday, as well as new documents that shed additional light on the investigations into the two officers.

ABC 6 is working to get the video online as quickly as possible. ABC 6 also reviewed the documents; The allegations against Bever are damning.

On the evening of February 19, a CPD sergeant responded to a scene where Bever reported a use of force “with injury to the subject.” The sergeant initiated a use of force investigation that included a review of body-worn camera video. And after the sergeant consulted with a second sergeant, both agreed the incident could be considered serious misconduct and reported it to a commanding officer, according to the documents. The commander viewed the video and asked the sergeants to relieve Bever of his duties.

That evening, Bever's gun and badge were removed and he was ordered to file a use of force report.

An internal investigation followed from that day until June 3 – 105 days in all – when Chief Elaine Bryant “approved departmental changes” against Bever. A week later, on June 10, Bryant recommended his termination.

Some of the details listed in the documents include allegations that Bever, who is white, grabbed the 14-year-old boy, who is black, “by the hair and forcefully slammed his head/face against a catwalk in concrete”.

Additionally, Bever allegedly took items out of the teen's pocket and threw them at him, “hitting him in the face,” according to the documents.

“You move, I’m going to smash your face,” Bever allegedly told the teen after handcuffing him.

The former officer also allegedly “escorted (the teen) by the hair…(and)…aggressively struck him in the groin” with his hand.

“I am grateful to Chief Bryant and Public Safety Director Pishotti for their thoughtful leadership and quick action regarding the February 19 incident involving Officer Bever,” Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther said Friday in a statement. “We all believe in holding our officers to the highest possible standards – celebrating and rewarding excellence whenever we can, while calling out and correcting bad behavior when They’re happening.”

The Spann documents are also damning. He allegedly had sex with a Kroger store employee “on multiple occasions” between August 15 and September 28 of last year.

He was fired for inappropriate conduct.

This story will be updated.

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