
Jody Clarke and Calvin Kenny convicted of rioting in HMP chapel

The last two inmates convicted of taking part in a riot and targeted attack on Kenny Green at Her Majesty's Penitentiary Chapel last year have been sentenced to additional prison time.

Calvin Kenny, 24, and Jody Clarke, 39, learned their 14-month sentences Thursday afternoon in St. John's provincial court.

Kenny, who is already serving a federal prison sentence at the Springhill Institute, and Clarke, who has only five months remaining on his sentence due to time served, were ordered by Judge Colin Flynn to provide a DNA sample .

Clarke, who was seen on HMP chapel surveillance beating Green, a convicted killer, will serve 18 months' probation after his sentence is completed.

Kenny's lawyer had asked for a 12-month prison sentence for his client, adding that Kenny was the “new kid” at the penitentiary when the riot broke out and that it had caused him mental distress ever since.

Clarke's lawyer suggested the time served was appropriate.

Crown prosecutor Danny Vavasour had asked for a sentence of around two years, citing the fear it had created among correctional officers and members of the clergy present during the riot.

Vavasour said the sentence should also send a message to other inmates that their antics in prison will not be tolerated.

Philip Pynn is the last inmate charged in the riot and his case has not yet been resolved.

This won't be Clarke's last court appearance, however, as he is also accused of taking part in a separate prison riot last June in which $100,000 worth of damage was caused.

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