
Japan imposes sanctions on the Russian Federation for the supply of weapons to the DPRK

By Alimat Aliyeva

The Japanese government has expanded the list of sanctions against the Russian Federation, once again accusing the Russian side of supplying weapons to the DPRK. Azernews

According to the published document, one natural person and nine legal entities from Russia, including two legal entities from Cyprus, were added to the sanctions lists. In particular, Vladimir Mikheychik, CEO of the state-owned airline 224th Flight Detachment, fell under Japanese sanctions, suggesting the freezing of assets if discovered.

The airline itself was also on the sanctions list, alongside the Ashuluk military training ground and the Russian Military Transport Aviation Command. As part of the sanctions against Russia, Japan also imposed restrictions on the Cypriot companies IBEX Shipping and Azia Shipping.

In a statement, the Japanese Foreign Ministry once again accused the Russian Federation of purchasing weapons from the DPRK. Moscow has repeatedly and categorically rejected Western countries' accusations of illegal military-technical cooperation with Pyongyang.

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