
“It was just 12 hours” of my life

Stormy Daniels continues to speak out – and be an open book.

The stripper, who claims to have had an affair with Donald Trump in 2006 before he was president, appears in the latest issue of New York Magazine's The Cut, where she discusses her alleged tryst with Trump and because she is a powerful woman. In the accompanying photo shoot, Daniels appears topless in a series of black and white photographs taken by Amanda Demme.

“People think this defines my life,” Daniels said of his claims about the president. “But in all honesty, it only lasted 12 hours. It's boring, because I'm so much more than that, and that's all I'll ever be known for.”

“I've written and directed all these great films, I've directed music videos, but this is just going to overshadow all of that,” she added. “Years ago, I was having trouble getting funding for a mainstream horror film I was writing. I had meetings, for example with a professional athlete who was very enthusiastic about it, but two days later they called me back and said their manager wouldn't let them write a check to a porn star “because everyone would think you fucked her. Now I wonder if anyone”. gives me money, it will be because of that. I don't want other aspects of my life to succeed because of that.

Daniels also explained that before her alleged affair became public and created a huge scandal, she would sell out all of her shows at strip clubs. Once the story was published, she had a hard time getting people to sit down. Then she saw her audience turn into large groups of anti-Trump women with “homemade” Stormy Daniels t-shirts. There were also those who just wanted to meet her because she was apparently sleeping with a future president.

“I went ten years without even thinking about it,” she said of meeting Trump. “It was funnier when he wasn't president. Now it comes with undeserved prestige. In fact, Trump supporters come looking for pictures and autographs and just say, 'I just want to meet the wife he chose to have.' sleeping with him I'm like, 'What's wrong with you?'”

Read Stormy Daniels' full interview with The Cut here.

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