
Israeli forces kill Palestinian teenager, injure two – West Bank

Abdul Rahman Sultan Khatatba, 16, was killed by Israeli occupying forces near Nablus. (Photo: via WAFA)

By the Palestine Chronicle team

Israeli forces killed a 16-year-old boy and injured two others on Saturday during a military raid in Beit Furik, east of Nablus, in the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Health Ministry identified the deceased as Abdul Rahman Sultan Khatatba, a resident of Beit Furik.

Local sources reported that Israeli forces stormed the town, firing live ammunition at local residents, wounding three people.

A Palestinian was shot in the chest and is said to be in serious condition.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said its teams in Nablus treated three people with gunshot wounds, including one seriously injured in the chest.

The Red Crescent also said that Israeli occupying forces attacked the driver of the Beit Furik municipality ambulance and smashed the vehicle's windows as he tried to reach the injured.

The other two injured are a 45-year-old man who was shot in the thigh and a 16-year-old boy who was also shot in the thigh.

All the injured were taken to hospital for treatment.

Alongside the war in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army has intensified its incursions into towns and refugee camps across the occupied West Bank.

Since the start of widespread Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people on October 7, 2023, a total of 547 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, including 134 children. More than 5,200 other people were injured.

Health crisis

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning about the worsening health crisis in the occupied West Bank, calling for “immediate and effective protection of civilians and the health system,” the Quds news network reported on Saturday.

The organization reportedly stressed that “tight restrictions, violence and attacks on medical facilities complicate access to health care.”

In a statement released Friday, the WHO noted that access to health care in the West Bank is further complicated by the closure of crossing points between the occupied territories and the West Bank, growing insecurity and the confinement of entire villages.

The organization also stressed that a severe financial crisis, exacerbated by the occupation's withholding of an increasing share of taxes collected from Palestinians since October 7, has resulted in “health workers receiving only half of their salaries for almost a year,” and only 45 percent of essential medicines available.

The WHO documented 480 attacks on health facilities or ambulances in the West Bank between October 7 and May 28, killing 16 people and injuring 95 others.


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