
Israeli forces kill Palestinian near Jenin |

Israeli forces shot dead a young Palestinian on Thursday in the town of Ya'bad, west of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank.

The Ministry of Health announced that the young man, Mohammad Hafez Rafiq Abu Bakr24 years old, was killed by occupying forces in the town of Ya'bad.

Media sources said Abu Bakr's body was discovered Thursday morning near a United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) school in the town of Ya'bad. .

It was added that Abu Bakr's body was discovered this morning and that he had been shot in the back after he went missing after midnight when the occupying forces stormed the city.

Earlier, it was reported that the army invaded the town of Ya'bad, west of Jenin, Arraba, northwest of the town, and the village of Jalbun in the east on Thursday morning, taking stormed several neighborhoods.

Israeli forces have killed 529 Palestinian civilians, including 132 children, while 20 Palestinians have been killed by illegal Israeli paramilitary settlers in various areas of the occupied West Bank since the start of the military attack on the Gaza Strip on October 7. 2023. .

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