
Israeli-born MP with alleged Mossad ties named Dutch deputy prime minister

Gideon (Gidi) Markuszower, 46, of Israeli origin, has been appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Immigration of the Netherlands for the right-wing Freedom Party (PVV). Geert Wilders.

Markuszower, an Israeli citizen, was born in Tel Aviv and graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Like Wilders, Markuszower is a devout Zionist and a strong supporter of Israel.

Markuszower was born in Tel Aviv on October 27, 1977 and attended Rosj Pina and Maimonides elementary schools in Amsterdam, important institutions within the Jewish community. At age 19, he studied international relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem before returning to the Netherlands to study law at the University of Amsterdam.

In the Netherlands, Markuszower was responsible for securing Jewish institutions. He was arrested in 2010 for carrying a firearm during Israel's 60th anniversary celebrations, even though he had a permit for the firearm but not a permit to carry it, according to the Dutch newspaper Trouw.

He has been active in various Jewish community organizations, including the Council of the Main Dutch Israelite Synagogue (NIHS), the Advisory Body for the Protection of the Jewish Community (BLEW), and the Central Jewish Consultation (CJO).

His political career began in 1999 as spokesperson for Likud Netherlands and director of young Jewish student associations. He later served as a political advisor to MP Anton van Schijndel and was elected to the Dutch Senate in 2015. He resigned in 2017 to run for the House of Representatives, placing fourth on the Freedom Party's list of candidates.

Markuszower's political journey has not been without controversy. In 2010, Dutch intelligence services suggested that he might be influenced by a foreign security service, possibly Mossad, calling him a potential security risk for the Netherlands.

His appointment as immigration minister aligns with the newly formed right-wing government, given its strict stance on immigration. He has often expressed his harsh views, once calling Dutch immigration policy a “major crime against the Dutch people” and suggesting that the politicians responsible should appear in court.

Markuszower speaks fluent Hebrew and is known as a strong supporter of Israel, actively participating in events hosted by the Israeli embassy and maintaining close ties with the Dutch Jewish community. He has family in Israel and visits the country often.

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