
Israeli Arabs Arrested for Supplying Arms to Terror Groups | | Pesach Benson / TPS | 28 Sivan 5784 – Thursday, July 4, 2024

Photo credit: Flash90

Israeli Arabs wave flags and shout slogans during a demonstration in support of Gaza, at the entrance to Tayibe in the Triangle region. May 15, 2021.

Israeli security forces have arrested three Israeli Arabs suspected of supplying weapons and explosives to PA Arab terrorists in Judea and Samaria, a report was authorized for publication Thursday.

The suspects, Yazen Saifi, Ibrahim Yaaqaba and Dia Tayya, are all residents of Qalansawe, located in the so-called Arab Triangle, an area of ​​Israel's coastal plain with a concentration of Arab municipalities.

Police and the Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet) seized a large quantity of ammunition, a pipe bomb, an M16 rifle, a Carlo rifle, a firearm and an explosive device from the home of one of the suspects.

Residents of Israel's coastal Sharon region recently told the Israeli news service that residents of Qalansawe were constantly traveling back and forth to the nearby Palestinian Authority-controlled town of Tulkarem.

“Arab Israelis like those from Qalansawe are constantly entering the Palestinian Authority. It doesn’t take a genius to understand the kind of intelligence they receive,” Nir Bazak, a resident of the nearby community of Sha’ar Efraim, told TPS-IL.

Seven people arrested in Bedouin towns for carrying weapons

Israeli police arrested seven suspects accused of using firearms and possessing illegal weapons. The arrested suspects are residents of two Negev Bedouin towns, Rahat, near Gaza, and Segev Shalom (Shaqib al-Salam in Arabic), near Beersheba. In addition, approximately NIS 200,000 ($53,110) in proceeds from the commission of criminal offenses, a rifle and three pistols were found and seized. An M-4 rifle and ammunition were also seized.

The arrests took place as part of the “Good Neighbor” program.

The aim of the programme is to prevent the escalation of violence and to counter in a “targeted manner” criminal activities that undermine public peace, and to “strengthen the security of the normative citizen”.

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