
Is setting off fireworks until 4:30 in the morning an asshole move?

At what point does it become no longer acceptable to shoot off fireworks while celebrating the 4th of July?

Thursday was Independence Day, and millions of Americans around the country took time to celebrate the birth of the world’s greatest nation. This country put men on the moon, won back-to-back world wars and is undefeated in Super Bowls.

I love this country, I’m a proud patriot and I will never apologize for bleeding red, white and blue. I even love fireworks, but at some point, we have to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough.

Welcome to my horror show of early Friday morning.

My idiot neighbors have no courtesy or respect for those of us with jobs.

Now, I want to be clear here that I don’t have anything against fireworks. I literally went somewhere Thursday night to watch the fireworks in our nation’s capital. Do not take anything I’m going to say as a sign that I hate explosives. Nothing could be further from the truth.

However, we have to start calling idiots out where we see them. As I’ve written before, I live near some of the dumbest people you’ll ever meet. It’s actually shocking how dumb, lazy, dirty and incompetent some people around me are. Whether it’s having loud parties across the street on work nights that shake the Hookstead Compound (location classified), open drug use, throwing trash on the ground or something else, it’s infuriating.

Nothing is worse than what happened from Thursday night into early Friday morning. These morons shot off fireworks until 4:30 AM. I think I got about 50 minutes of sleep all night. It sounded like shock and awe on Baghdad in 2003. If I recorded the audio and played it, you’d all think I was in a legit war zone getting shelled to hell. I’m all for shooting off fireworks, but once Friday rolls around, those of us with jobs contributing to society and paying taxes have to get some rest.

Apparently these clowns have all the free time in the world and don't care about getting anyone to sleep. Not only did these people set off fireworks until almost sunrise, but they did it next to several parked vehicles loaded with fuel and a site loaded with flammable materials.

I would never have believed that someone could be so stupid if I had not witnessed it with my own eyes. These were not small fireworks either. These were mortar shells that went high into the sky and exploded. These were shells that could cause serious damage or kill someone if something went wrong.

Now imagine hundreds of these vehicles being fired upon, as if begging for a Darwin Award and ready to take us with them on their way to this planet.

Honestly, I don't know what makes me sadder. The fact that they set off fireworks until 4:30 in the morning to make sure no one could get any rest or the fact that they were so stupid that they didn't realize the danger they were in.

If you must set off fireworks, do so away from buildings and vehicles. It's crazy that I have to say this, as it's just common sense, but here we are. Welcome to my life, in close proximity to some of the lowest IQ humans you'll ever meet.

And here's the thing, I see them loading up more fireworks to do it again tonight. Not on my watch. I'm lucky no cars were set on fire last night and the complex is still standing. At some point we have to say enough is enough. We have lives to live and work to do. Am I an asshole for taking a stand or are they the assholes for acting like idiots? Embrace the debate and let me know at [email protected].

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