
Iranian Intelligence Forces Identify, Capture Mossad Spy in Ardabil Province

The logo of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence (right) and the national flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Iranian intelligence forces have identified and arrested an individual in the country's northwestern province of Ardabil on charges of spying for the Israeli regime's spy agency, Mossad.

The fugitive, whose identity was not immediately available, was wanted by Iran's intelligence ministry. He was captured on the orders of the Ardabil Provincial Prosecutor's Office.

According to the media office of the provincial prosecutor's office, the Mossad agent was in close contact with top Israeli intelligence officers via social media and collected crucial information for them under the guise of an editor-in-chief.

He had traveled to several provinces in the hope of taking refuge there and eventually leaving the country, before being identified and captured in a surprise operation in Ardabil province.

The arrested spy is believed to be from a region in southern Iran.

Mossad reportedly decided to immediately close his user accounts and delete associated information as soon as news of his arrest broke.

Earlier this year, Iran's Intelligence Ministry said its forces had identified a significant number of spies linked to Mossad in 28 countries around the world.

In a February 2 statement, the ministry announced what it described as the “largest combined intelligence and counterintelligence operation” against the Israeli regime's espionage and security organizations.

The statement emphasizes that the “adventurous” operation was carried out in the form of a series of intelligence-counterespionage, offensive-defensive actions, and through the use of various intelligence collection methods, which made it possible to obtain a “unique” and “unprecedented” approach. “gathering information.

“In addition to intelligence and security findings, obtaining special information related to some of the most important secret military installations, weapons factories and strategic civilian industries of the usurping Zionist regime is also among the achievements of the vast multi-stage operation of the ministry,” the press release added.

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