
Iran increases uranium stockpiles to near weapons-grade levels, UN Nuclear Observatory says

VIENNA — Iran has further increased its stockpiles of enriched uranium to near weapons-grade levels, according to a confidential report released Monday by the United Nations nuclear watchdog, the latest in Tehran's attempts to exert constant pressure on the international community.

Iran is seeking a lifting of economic sanctions imposed over its controversial nuclear program in exchange for a slowdown in the program.

The program – like all matters of state in Iran – is under the direction of Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and that is unlikely to change in the wake of last week's helicopter crash that killed the Iranian president and foreign minister.

The International Atomic Energy Agency's report also comes amid heightened tensions across the Middle East due to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. Israel and Iran carried out direct strikes on each other's territories for the first time last month.

The report said that as of May 11, Iran had 313.2 pounds of uranium enriched to 60 percent, an increase of 45.4 pounds since the U.N. watchdog's last report in February . Uranium enriched to 60 percent purity is only a short technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90 percent.

By the IAEA definition, approximately 92.5 pounds of uranium enriched to 60 percent is the amount to which the creation of an atomic weapon is theoretically possible – if the material is further enriched, to 90 percent.

Also as of May 11, the report said that Iran's overall stockpile of enriched uranium stood at 1,3671.5 pounds, an increase of 1,489.8 pounds since the previous IAEA report.

Iran has maintained that its nuclear program is intended only for peaceful purposes, but IAEA chief Rafael Mariano Grossi has previously warned that Tehran has enough uranium enriched to a level close to that of a weapon to make “multiple” nuclear bombs if he chose to do so. .

He acknowledged that the UN agency cannot guarantee that none of Iran's centrifuges were removed for clandestine enrichment.

Monday's report also says Tehran has not reconsidered its September 2023 decision to ban IAEA inspectors from further monitoring of its nuclear program and adds that it expects Iran “to do so in the context of ongoing consultations between the agency (IAEA) and Iran.

According to the report, Mr. Grossi “deeply regrets” Iran's decision to ban inspectors – and a reversal of that decision “remains essential to fully enable the agency to effectively conduct its verification activities in Iran.”

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