
Iran has no plans to pursue nuclear weapons, but if you corner a cat, its behavior may change

Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi spoke about Iran's nuclear industry and the circumstances that would lead it to produce nuclear weapons. He made the comments in an interview with Iranian TV Channel 2, broadcast on February 8, 2021. Alavi said the JCPOA deal did not end Iran's nuclear industry, which has gained in quality and which now “works with all its strength and power. “He said that Iran's nuclear program is peaceful and that according to Supreme Leader Khamenei's anti-nuclear fatwa, Iran is not allowed to produce nuclear weapons” (read more about the so-called anti-nuclear fatwa nuclear power plant, see MEMRI Investigations and Analysis Series No. 2 1478, 1458, 825, 1022 and 1151 and Special Office Series No. 5406 and 5461). However, Alavi said that, like a cornered cat, Iran could “change its behavior” if put under pressure. Alavi stressed that if Iran were forced to produce nuclear weapons, this situation would not be the fault of Iran but of those who pushed it to go in this direction.

To watch video of Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi on MEMRI TV, click here or below.

“The JCPOA agreement did not end Iran's nuclear industry; The scope of this industry has been reduced, but it has increased in quality”

Mahmoud Alavi: “The JCPOA agreement did not end Iran's nuclear industry. The scope of this industry has been reduced, but its quality has increased.


“The very day we decided, according to the leader's orders, to start enriching uranium to 20%, we did it. Our nuclear capabilities remain intact and our nuclear industry is operating at full capacity. Our research and development has put the IR6 [centrifuge machines] into production and put them into service. Each IR6 centrifuge does the work of ten old centrifuges [IR1]. These require less space but have greater performance.

“Our atomic industry has peaceful objectives… [But] If Iran is pushed to produce nuclear weapons, it will not be its fault. »

“Our atomic industry has peaceful objectives. The leader explicitly stated in his fatwa that the production of nuclear weapons contradicts Sharia law and that the Islamic Republic does not pursue any of this and in fact considers it prohibited. However, when you corner a cat, it may behave differently than a cat that feels free.

“If Iran is pushed into this direction, it will not be Iran's fault, but those pushing it. “Under normal circumstances, Iran has no such plans or intentions .”

Source: MEMRI

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