
Investigations into alleged data abuse end without charges

Two investigations into allegations of improper access to data ended without charges. Investigations were led by the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team and the investigation involved six Lethbridge police officers and one civilian employee.

The first investigation involved allegations of improper access to Lethbridge West MLA Shannon Phillips' information in various databases operated by the Lethbridge Police Service. ASIRT determined that there were reasonable grounds to believe that two officers – one of whom is no longer employed by LPS – committed criminal offenses by accessing Phillips' data in 2018. The case was forwarded to the Crown Prosecution Service of Alberta, which determined that the criteria for prosecution were not met and the individuals will not be criminally charged.

An internal investigation into the actions of the police officer on duty is currently underway. The LPS does not have jurisdiction to conduct a professional standards investigation regarding the other officer who resigned in 2021. All other employees involved in this matter – one civilian and three officers – have been cleared by ASIRT of any wrongdoing, their access having been deemed legitimate. .

ASIRT's second investigation involved allegations of inappropriate database use after Phillips and a co-worker were observed meeting at a Lethbridge restaurant in April 2017. ASIRT determined that there was had reasonable grounds to believe that an officer – who is no longer employed by LPS – committed a crime. a criminal offense by accessing information about Phillips' colleague without a legitimate purpose. The matter was referred to Alberta's Crown Prosecution Service, which determined that the criteria for prosecution were not met and that the former police officer would not face criminal charges.

The officer had already been the subject of a disciplinary hearing in 2019 and was sanctioned with a reduction in rank. He then resigned in 2021.

ASIRT announced that a public report describing its investigation findings would be released soon.

As an internal officer investigation is currently underway and the full ASIRT report has not yet been released, LPS is unable to provide further comment.

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