
Investigation into alleged rape incident at DUT

The Durban University of Technology (DUT) says it strongly opposes violence and crime of any kind.

This follows an alleged rape incident that allegedly took place at the institute's Quarry Road student residence in Durban, where a 19-year-old female student recently accused a DUT employee of sexual assault.

The alleged perpetrator, who was a university housing employee, was arrested and appeared in court last week.

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DUT said it was fully cooperating with police in their investigation.

The university is aware of the serious allegations and arrests that occurred in one of the student residences early last week.

“As the matter is currently under police investigation, we are unable to provide further comment at this time,” the university said in a statement.

DUT said it contacted the student who reported the incident and offered her the necessary support.

Human rights activist Aluta Hambane, of the Durban Lesbian and Gay Health and Community Centre, said the incident raised security concerns and stressed that rape and sexual assault can happen anywhere.

Hambane said universities need to think about how they care for vulnerable groups.

I think it is negligent to house men and women in the same residence or even to have essential staff of the opposite sex. Universities need to be made aware of these issues.

Hambane said that as a transgender woman, she experienced the insensitivity of the university dormitory as a student, when she was placed in a men's dormitory and expected to share a room with a man.

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“I had to fight for my rights and for what I believed was right. I think universities necessarily turn a blind eye to these issues, but there is still more that can be done.

Hambane said it pains her that women are raped daily with all the education and measures in place to try to end gender-based violence and femicide.

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