
Interior Ministry works with Interpol, Aseanapol to combat human trafficking, migrant smuggling, official says

KUALA LUMPUR, June 10 — The Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) is working closely with Interpol and Aseanapol to resolve issues of human trafficking and migrant smuggling.

Secretary of the National Strategic Council for Combating Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Syuhaida Abdul Wahab Zen said the government cannot act alone as human trafficking and migrant smuggling are dynamic crimes which transcend borders.



“We work with Aseanapol and Interpol for cases involving investigation. We collaborate with these agencies to collect information and track our citizens, such as in the case of employment scams that occurred in Hungary two years ago.

“In addition, we have other platforms such as constructive consultations with Bali Process countries on migrant smuggling, human trafficking and related transnational crime. We actively engage with the 42 member countries of different regions,” she said during her guest appearance on Bernama. Apa Khabar Malaysia TV Show Today.

She said the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC) plays a role in policy formulation, while the Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC) formulates policies involving senior officials and general secretaries of ministries.

At the final stage, heads of specialized anti-trafficking units (HSU) are responsible for information sharing.

“Malaysia is actively involved because our country is considered forward-thinking in terms of legislation, protection and enforcement,” she said. — Bernama

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