
“Inside Out 2” almost captured the emotions of teenagers

Seoul, South Korea – BEEP BEEP BEEP BOOM. Riley's puberty alert began to sound at headquarters. A few seconds later, it explodes. As Riley became an official teenager, several new emotions joined Riley's other feelings, such as anxiety, envy, boredom, and embarrassment.

The poster for Inside Out 2. (Josephine Yein Lee/YJI)

Now a full color palette, from red to pink, of Riley's emotions can be found in Upside down 2.

Released in Korea on June 12 Inside Out 2 sequel to the popular 2015 film Upside down.

According to information from CNBC, the original Upside down grossed $850 million at the worldwide box office and $90.4 million in its opening weekend.

Many people expect that Inside Out 2 will be as successful as its predecessor. The new film is already gaining popularity and many are taking notice, according to the Hollywood news site. Deadline, he earned $150 million on opening day.

Inside Out 2 is an interesting film because it is very original and does not contain any scenes similar to other existing films. It was completely captivating to watch the story develop, especially how the emotions began their journey back to headquarters, but I won't go deeper into the storyline because I definitely don't want to spoil it for you .

While watching it – just like the emotions present in the film – you can experience a variety of feelings.

There are moments when you feel like you're going to burst out laughing, afraid that something bad will happen, really curious about the next scene, the heartfelt moments, the parts that everyone is wondering about. Okay, and a scene where we almost cry but we cry. I don't want to cry because it's a children's film.

Several scenes in the movie didn't feel like a typical teenager, like the scene where Riley almost touches Val's hair. For me, the teenage point of view was a bit exaggerated because you don't walk up to a random stranger and want to touch their hair.

But other than that, it's an exhilarating and captivating movie to watch with my friends.

Framed posters inside the theater. (Josephine Yein Lee/YJI)

I highly recommend seeing Inside Out 2 with your friends and family and I would love to hear your thoughts.

Go see the movie now! It's broadcast all over the world.

Josephine Yein Lee is a junior journalist for Youth Journalism International.

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