
Inmate sentenced to life sentence meets Jesus in prison and has only two years left to serve

A life-sentenced inmate met Jesus in prison. But he did not expect the surprise that God had in store for him, including his temporal service.

Prisoner sentenced to life

Joey was Muslim. When he was arrested, he had a dream in prison that would change his life forever.

“I dreamed of hell,” he recalls. “It's scary, I found myself in hell, I was in pain, I was crying and screaming for help, but no help came. I did not know what to do.

A few days later, he was transferred to another prison facility where he began to question his Muslim faith. So he prayed to God and God told him to stay away from it, which he did. He then went to a church service called Spirit and Truth. During worship they sang “Open the eyes of my heart” when the Holy Spirit began to touch Joey.

He shared, “During this song, Jesus just touched me, he made me cry, and not like tears of pain, like tears of joy. It was after the third verse of this song, it had just started, waves of tears. I can not explain it. It was like everything that stressed me out and made me angry had been lifted off my shoulders. I have been transformed by the Holy Spirit.

Miracle of God

Joey started going to church and had seen God working in his life. In particular, he testified how his grandmother also became a believer in Jesus Christ. Additionally, the biggest thing that surprised Joey was his time in prison.

“I was sentenced to life when I arrived in prison. Now I have two years left,” he said.

The miracle he experienced proved God's faithfulness and reality. He encouraged others to also seek God and come to Jesus.

“I urge you, if you're going through anything, to ask God to come into your heart and do it faithfully because I'm going to tell you right now, when He does it, you'll see it. You will feel it.

Header Image: God Behind Bars, Joey's Story, Youtube,

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