
Initial investigation shows civilians died from fire that broke out after IDF strikes in Rafah (government spokesperson)

Israeli government spokesman Avi Hyman said Monday that a preliminary investigation showed that Gaza citizens were killed by a fire that broke out in Rafah after the Israeli army targeted senior Hamas officials.

The Israeli military earlier said the nighttime strikes killed Yassin Rabia and Kahed Najar, both of whom were instrumental in efforts to coordinate the movement in the West Bank from the Gaza Strip.

Dozens of civilian deaths were reported shortly after the strike, with UNRWA reporting “massive losses, including children and women.”

French President Emmanuel Macron said he was “outraged” by the information, while Saudi Arabia called on Israel to end its alleged “massacres” in the Palestinian enclave.

The UK also said it would not support an operation in Rafah that did not guarantee the safety of civilians.

The Israeli army said it had opened an investigation into the incident.

Israel earlier this month began operations in Rafah, the last major stronghold of the Hamas terror group in Gaza.

The Israeli army has moved a million Palestinians out of the war zone and limited its operations to specific areas, efforts it considers unprecedented in the history of war to avoid civilian casualties.

Despite this, Israel has repeatedly been criticized by the international community for alleged violations.

Israel has denounced the threat of international prosecution of its soldiers and leaders for their conduct, stressing that it has its own legal system that can and does prosecute violators of international law.

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