
| Indios Fire Update, May 26, 2024NM Fire Info

Acres: 2619

Start date: 05/19/2024

Cause: Lightning

Location: 7 miles north of the village of Coyote, New Mexico

Staff: 204

Containment: 0% Resources: 6 crews | 1 helicopter | 7 engines| 1 grader | 2 chewers | 4 water annexes

Strong points: Fire information staff will be stationed opposite Bode's, near the Abiquiu Post Office, on Sunday and Monday (May 26 and 27) from 12pm to 1pm to meet members of the public and answer questions.

Southwest Area Complex Incident Management Team 4, led by Incident Commander Aaron Hulburd, will assume command of the fire on the morning of Monday, May 27.. A CIMT is equipped with the additional resources necessary to plan and manage the long-term duration of this fire to meet the goal of allowing fire to play its natural role in the landscape.

Fire activity: Despite a red flag warning yesterday and high winds, the fire showed moderate activity and fire lines were held. Due to the diverse terrain, the fire does not experience constant, sustained winds, allowing it to play its natural role in the landscape by clearing dead and felled wood, brush and needles. Due to the steep and rugged terrain, crews continue to construct fire lines using roads and natural features where it makes sense. The fire continues to have good effects on the landscape as it moves towards these lines.

The Carson Interagency Hotshot Crew (IHC) worked at the head of an underdrain south of the fire, where they improved the line and conducted the strategic fire operations they had conducted over the past few days. The Santa Fe and Mount Taylor CSIs have progressed by working further south to a patch of private land within the national forest boundaries. This line should be completed in a few days. Chewers continue to work west of the fire, improving along FR 8. The Sandia Helitack is still working at the end of Mesa Gurule toward private land. The Sacramento and Black Mesa IHCs continue to hold the line on the east side. They will evaluate additional strategic fire operations in anticipation of more favorable weather conditions.

Weather and smoke: The high temperature will be around 70 degrees, with low humidity around 13 to 17 percent. Winds will be out of the west at 12-17 mph with gusts up to 25 mph. Smoke is visible and local communities may experience smoke impacts along Highways 96, 112 and 84. For smoke impacts, visit

Closures: Closure Order 03-10-01-24-02 is in effect and includes all National Forest System lands located within the boundaries of the Coyote Ranger District, beginning at Continental Divide Trail #298 on the Highway 96 north across Forest Road (FR) 77, through the Chama River Canyon Wilderness to Skull Bridge (Ojitos Trailhead) on FR 151. FR 11 northwest to the boundary of the Chama River Canyon Wilderness and the junction with FR 8; FR 169 (from the junction with FR 11) south to FR 473; FR 473 south to FR 64; FR 64 South to the junction of FR 77; and FR 77 east to the Chama River Canyon Wilderness boundary. FR 77 from the forest line and County Road 418 to the junction of FR 64 and FR 77. The Chama River Canyon Wilderness south of the Rio Gallina and south of the Rio Chama. Visit Inciweb for complete order and map.

For CDT hikers affected by this closure, camping and water will be available at the Coyote Ranger Station.

Temporary flight restrictions: A TFR is in place around the fire area.

More information: 575-323-2290 | [email protected] | |

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