
| Indios Fire Update, May 24, 2024NM Fire Info

Acres: 1809

Start date: 05/19/2024

Location: 7 miles north of the village of Coyote, New Mexico

Staff: 133

Containment: 0%

Fuels: Wood, litter, understory

Resources: 5 crews | 1 helicopter | 5 engines| 1 grader | 2 chewers | 1 water supply

Strong points: Closure Order 03-10-01-24-02 is in effect and includes all National Forest System lands located within the boundaries of the Coyote Ranger District, beginning at Continental Divide Trail #298 on the Highway 96 north across Forest Road (FR) 77, through the Chama River Canyon Wilderness to Skull Bridge (Ojitos Trailhead) on FR 151. FR 11 northwest to the boundary of the Chama River Canyon Wilderness and the junction with FR 8; FR 169 (from the junction with FR 11) south to FR 473; FR 473 south to FR 64; FR 64 South to the junction with FR 77; and FR 77 east to the Chama River Canyon Wilderness boundary. FR 77 from the forest line and County Road 418 to the junction of FR 64 and FR 77. The Chama River Canyon Wilderness south of the Rio Gallina and south of the Rio Chama.

For CDT hikers affected by this closure, camping will be available at the Coyote Ranger Station and water will be available.

Fire activity: The fire continues to burn in the Chama River Canyon Wilderness, in steep and inaccessible terrain. Thursday, with almost critical weather conditions, the fire developed as expected but remains within a larger potential perimeter. The fire was spotted yesterday in the area of ​​the 2017 Ojitos Fire. Today, two Interagency Hotshot crews and three engines will begin working around this location, anchoring into natural barriers and connecting the line to existing road networks. Fire managers continue to take a strategic approach. Although the helicopter was not used on the southern boundary as originally planned, crews conducted a few small but crucial strategic fire operations. These operations were intended to reduce fuels between FR 473 and the fire boundary on the southwest perimeter. More firing operations will likely be used. This will help minimize the effects of the fire by using low to moderate fire intensity and reducing vegetation between the lines and the main fire.

Local engines continued to hold, secure and patrol along FR 473 further north. Two chewers progressed into Gamble Oak on the west side of the fire and got good depth on the lines in that area. Hotshot interagency teams from Mount Taylor and Black Mesa will begin work today, bringing the total number of IHCs to five.

Weather report: Today, the high temperature will be around 72 degrees and the low humidity will be 11 to 15 percent. Winds will be from the west at 5 to 7 mph in the morning, increasing to 8-13 mph in the afternoon, with gusts up to 25 mph. The wind pattern will be stronger on Saturday, creating critical fire weather conditions despite the slight increase in humidity.

Smoke: Smoke is visible and local communities may experience smoke impacts along Highways 96, 112 and 84.

Closures: View today's highlights for current information on closing orders. Visit Inciweb for complete order and map.

Temporary flight restrictions: A TFR is in place around the fire area.

More information: 575-323-2290 | [email protected] | |

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