
In battle with retired DEA agent Michael Brown

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Drug addiction is often described as a public health crisis, with the United States experiencing a significant increase in overdose deaths over the past two decades. Despite various approaches ranging from risk reduction to the use of alternative medications for rehabilitation, the effectiveness of these strategies remains questionable. As overdose deaths rise from 10,000 to more than 100,000 per year, the question arises: Is it time to reconsider our approach and perhaps launch a new war on drugs?

In this episode of the Policing Matters podcast, host Jim Dudley speaks with retired DEA agent Mike Brown, who spent more than 32 years fighting drug trafficking. The discussion focuses on the growing crisis of fentanyl addiction and overdose deaths in the United States, highlighting the challenges facing law enforcement and the need for enhanced bilateral cooperation and innovative strategies to combat against this problem.

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About our guest

Michael W. Brown has a distinguished career spanning over 32 years as a Special Agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Most recently, he was the DEA Headquarters Staff Coordinator for the Office of Foreign Operations for the Middle East, Europe, Afghanistan and India. Prior to that, he served as National Attaché in India and Myanmar, providing overseas counter-narcotics advisory support. He also spent 10 years in Pakistan as Special Advisor to the US Embassy on various law enforcement issues. Michael is a graduate of the United States Ranger Training Battalion and has a Master's degree in Interdisciplinary Technology and Management from Eastern Michigan University. He is the Global Director of Counter-Narcotics Technology at Rigaku Analytical Devices.

Key takeaways

  1. Increase in overdose deaths: Overdose deaths have increased significantly, with fentanyl being a major contributor. The potency and availability of fentanyl make it a significant threat to public health.
  2. Law Enforcement Challenges: Despite the efforts of the DEA, CBP and local agencies, controlling the production and distribution of fentanyl remains difficult. The enormous volume of cross-border traffic makes intercepting all illegal shipments a daunting task.
  3. National and international cooperation: An effective fight against drugs requires strong bilateral relations. Currently, the United States faces challenges in its cooperation with China and Mexico, which play a critical role in the fentanyl supply chain.
  4. Mental health and addiction: Substance abuse is closely linked to mental health issues, making comprehensive treatment programs crucial. The absence of such programs and support systems worsens the crisis.
  5. Innovative solutions for law enforcement: Technological advances, such as handheld laser devices to identify unknown substances, can help law enforcement officers handle fentanyl more safely and effectively.

Additional resources from our guest

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