
Illegal wildlife trade threatens 4,000 species worldwide, UN reports: ScienceAlert

Around 4,000 species of plants and animals are victims of the illegal wildlife trade worldwide, according to the latest report. Global Wildlife Crime Report.

Despite two decades of coordinated international efforts to combat illegal wildlife trafficking, it continues to pose one of the greatest threats to the existence of many species, amid ecological degradation caused by man.

“Wildlife crime inflicts incalculable damage on nature and also jeopardizes livelihoods, public health, good governance and our planet’s ability to combat climate change,” says Ghada Waly, Director Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

The new UNODC report was compiled from more than 140,000 records of wildlife seizures made in 162 countries and territories between 2015 and 2021.

Although there have been some encouraging signs of a reduction in the trafficking of some iconic animals like rhinos and elephants, most of the victims are lesser-known species. Around 3,250 of these are listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

Corals accounted for 16 percent of recorded seizures, followed by crocodiles and their relatives at 9 percent. Elephants made up 6 percent, up from 16 percent in 2005-2014.

“Actual levels of wildlife trafficking are of course much higher than recorded seizures,” the report said. “Corruption undermines regulation and enforcement while technology accelerates traffickers’ ability to reach global markets. »

During the pandemic, much wildlife trafficking has taken place online, making it even more difficult for authorities.

The desire for exotic pets is driving much of the trade in rarer species, including dazzling spiders, and a growing demand for reptiles. But trafficked species are also used for other purposes, such as fashion, traditional medicine and illegal drugs – like the poisonous toad sought for its psychedelic toxins.

The report highlights that wildlife trafficking has contributed to the local or global extinction of some of the most affected species, such as rare orchids, succulents and reptiles. These species receive little public attention.

Additionally, illegal animal movements risk facilitating the spread of new diseases, thereby increasing public health risks.

As ecosystems face increasing pressures from pollution to climate change, increased overconsumption due to wildlife trafficking is also endangering people's livelihoods and pushing the most vulnerable among us to participate too to these illegal activities.

However, declines in elephant and rhino poaching have continued over the past decade, proving that with targeted efforts, progress in combating illegal trade can be made.

The report calls for more research and monitoring, as the illegal wildlife trade still remains largely obscure.

“It is also important to always keep communities and their well-being at the forefront,” the report concludes.

“They are the guardians of nature’s treasures and we must raise awareness, collaborate with them and protect their interests.”

The complete UNODC Global Wildlife Crime Report is available here.

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