
IL Texas Superintendent Responds to Criticism Over Student Safety, Alleged Teacher Misconduct

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – IL Texas officials are responding to growing criticism over the school's handling of student safety and allegations of staff misconduct after a former teacher was accused of sexually assaulting a student. Concerns center around Jose Adrian Hernandez Grimaldo, a former Spanish teacher who allegedly sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl in a school bathroom and left bruises on a special needs student in 2022.

Several parents contacted KBTX to express their concerns after learning that Grimaldo was fired, rehired through an appeal process and transferred to another campus while police investigations were still ongoing.

Erin and Michael Williams sat down with KBTX earlier this month to share their distress when their son was allegedly injured by the same man. They said their son came home with bruises on his arm less than a month after the Spanish teacher was hired and felt the district continued to ignore parents' concerns.

“You failed our children, and you continued to fail our children after I told you they weren’t safe,” Erin said. “We know that several people have said these things to you and you have done nothing, nothing,” Michael added.

Jose Adrian Hernández Grimaldo(KBTX)

The school met with parents Tuesday in two separate meetings to discuss safety and security protocols on campus. KBTX requested to attend the meeting but was denied. However, IL Texas Superintendent Eddie Conger agreed to meet with us. Conger declined to comment on specific allegations due to ongoing investigations, but emphasized the school's commitment to safety.

“I will not be able to address issues relating to any ongoing investigations that the police may be conducting, but will address, in general terms, only the process of any employee who may be subject to dismissal, following this process and then employee rights,” Conger said. “What I intend to do is what we've always done, which is to make sure that all the allegations that we have. investigate, that all of our staff, all of our more than 2,000 employees, that we all comply with the law. .”

Conger, who trained as a Marine officer and served for 20 years, outlined his priorities, including student and staff safety, good order and discipline, learning and teaching. He highlighted that improving communication with parents would be a key focus going forward.

“We only have four priorities immediately after that. And this is the safety of children and staff, good order and discipline, learning, that is, the results of children, it is learning, then teaching. But as part of our visit today, we're going to be talking with parents about safety and security, laws, policies, and by policy I'm talking about the school board that approves the policies, but also our procedures and our protocols. ” Conger said.

Eddie Conger, IL Texas Superintendent(KBTX)

When asked what he thought about the concerns raised by parents, Conger said it was very important that any parent, wherever they are, continues to raise concerns up the chain of command.

“One of the things that IL Texas does not have authority over in public education and charter schools or public schools is the ability to override. We have no choice not to address these concerns, but all concerns must be brought to the campus level, above the campus level, and of course, up to me as superintendent,” Conger said.

Conger was also asked about the balance between safety and security and teachers' rights and added that as superintendent, he will use every inch of his authority to ensure the safety of students and staff on campus.

“It's difficult for me to answer because you first have to stay to make sure the children and staff are safe, period. It's a zero-tolerance expectation of perfection, because no matter how many rules you have in place, if my granddaughter gets hurt, the system fails. If my children are hurt, the system fails. But in this environment, all of us, pastors, coaches, staff, employers in town, every educator, we have to make decisions that are in the best interest of the children, and we have to prioritize what is in the best interest. interest of children over adults,” Conger said.

When it came to the failures of the IL Texas system, Conger reflected on his time as a parent and grandparent.

“Every time my granddaughter gets hurt, your system breaks down. My granddaughter is hurt, I'm going to be upset. So that's my answer. There is no satisfactory answer to a child getting hurt, no matter where you are.

Conger concluded the interview by emphasizing the importance of vigilance and the role of educators in balancing teaching and keeping students safe.

“If you see something, say something. It is up to all of us, every day, to make sure we listen, observe and report. If you see something, say something. If you hear something, say something thing and if the people you talk to don't give you a satisfactory answer, push the issue up the chain of command in whatever organization you work in,” Conger said.

“To all educators, thank you for the hard work you do. I don't think any of us fully recognize the work that teachers do, the stress they go through, the low pay, the administrative demands, and then they rush to the kids to try to help them learn and to be a whole person. So please make sure we all recognize this work,” Conger added.

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