
IDF uses medieval catapult to launch fireballs at Hezbollah: video

The Israeli army has turned to a medieval catapult to launch fireballs over Lebanon's northern border as its battle against Hezbollah terrorists intensifies, video shows.

Wild footage shows an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) unit mounting a flaming projectile onto a trebuchet, a French catapult weapon that has not been used since the 16th century.

The six-second clip shows the catapult launching a fireball over the border wall, although it doesn't appear to go much further.

Viral video shows IDF soldiers throwing fireballs over the northern border.
The troops appeared to be using a makeshift trebuchet, a French catapult weapon not used since the 16th century.

The Israeli military told Israeli television channel KAN that the use of the weapon was a “local imitation” and was not widely used in the battle against Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.

The Israeli military claimed the fireballs would allow Israel to clear the area surrounding the border that terrorists could use as cover.

“The area on the Lebanese border is characterized by rocks, thickets and dense thorny vegetation, which poses a challenge for IDF troops deployed in defense,” the IDF said in a statement.

Although the video has been circulating on social networks since Wednesday, we still do not know when it was filmed.

The fireballs were reportedly used to clear bushes where Hezbollah militants tend to hide. AFP via Getty Images
A Lebanese firefighter puts out a blaze caused by an Israeli airstrike last week. AFP via Getty Images

An IDF official with knowledge of the incident said that although the weapon was not approved by the Israeli military, the troops ultimately fulfilled their obligations in protecting the northern border, NBC News reported.

The weapons would no longer be used, according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Israel has strengthened its defenses around the border as daily skirmishes continue between Hezbollah and the Israeli army, leading tens of thousands of people to evacuate northern Israel and southern Lebanon.

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