
Identifying and nurturing the gifted

In our society, where high grades are universally valued, giftedness is rarely discussed between parents or in the context of education. Many countries have systematic programs to identify giftedness in children early in adolescence and provide structured opportunities to nurture them.

India's National Education Policy 2020 advocates early identification and support of gifted students in an inclusive manner. However, for this policy to be implemented effectively, individuals and institutions need to understand what giftedness entails and work together to make India a gifted-friendly country.

What is giftedness?

Educational psychologist Joseph Renzulli developed the widely accepted “three-ring conception of giftedness,” which posits that giftedness is the interaction of three groups of traits: above-average ability, high levels of creativity, and high levels of task engagement. According to this model, individuals who demonstrate high performance in these areas and rank among the top 1 to 2 percent are considered gifted.

This model emphasizes that high ability is precisely defined and measurable, particularly in academic fields where it is possible to identify the top 1-2% of the population. However, high abilities are only part of the picture: creativity and task engagement (the ability to remain focused and persistent even on difficult tasks) are equally important.

Investing in talent

Even if the benefit of developing giftedness at the individual or family level is obvious (consider the case of a brilliant student from a lower-middle class family who obtains admission to an IIT), its value at the societal level is often neglected. This oversight explains why we have yet to implement systematic giftedness programs in schools.

Cultivating gifts yields significant rewards. Our IITs can be seen as a gifted program, identifying and nurturing bright students (although the gifted are best identified around the age of 12-13). According to a study, each IIT graduate has created an average of 100 jobs. Additionally, 54% of India's top 500 companies have at least one IIT alumnus on their board. Internationally, the founders of companies like Facebook and Google, international artists like Lady Gaga, and some Nobel Prize winners are the products of systematic programs for the gifted.

A common myth about the gifted is that the gifted can take care of themselves and that only weak students need support. However, gifted students may excel in one area (such as language or science) but struggle in others. They might have difficulty integrating socially or making friends. They therefore need specialized support as much as children with academic difficulties.

How to identify giftedness?

Historically, IQ tests were used to identify the gifted, but this practice is problematic. A more scientific approach is to test students aged 12 to 13 using assessments two levels higher than their current level.

Since an average 7th grade student would find a 9th grade test difficult, only the top 10-15% of students are invited to take the higher level test.

Students who score among the top 10 to 15 percent on this test (corresponding to the top 1 to 2 percent of the entire population) are identified as gifted. Tests are usually conducted in regular school subjects like English, mathematics, science, etc.

Meeting student needs

Different students may need different types of support, but there are some aspects that are common to all gifted children. First, the opportunity to work and hang out with other gifted peers creates a connection and bond beyond their topic of interest.

Second, supervision by mentors trained to work with gifted children is extremely important. Finally, exposure to difficult problems at a level above typical academic material and that are also meaningful is crucial. For example, projects aimed at creating something new or learning a new subject are very interesting for these students.

What can parents do?

If you think your child is gifted, first check with your school to see if it has a program or counselor for these children. As early as 4th grade, you can officially have your child tested to identify an area of ​​giftedness.

Provide them with exposure to reading and other materials in their area of ​​interest. Encourage them to attend if they are selected for a credible gifted program.

Finally, connect with communities that provide support, information, and a forum for gifted children and their families.

(The author is co-founder and chief learning officer of an early education startup)

Published May 28, 2024, 02:34 STI

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