
ICRC concerned about loss of human control over weapons due to use of AI


“The multidimensional constraints on humanitarian assistance in Gaza are indescribable. The humanitarian consequences are indescribable,” said Ms. Spoljaric.

“There is not sufficient coordination to give us the security guarantees necessary to move around,” she added.

She noted that military lines of operations conflict with humanitarian supply lines and increase difficulties for humanitarians trying to deliver supplies.

“There is a lack of everything,” she added.

“You must protect civilians. You can't bring operations closer to civilians without making sure that they have places to go and places where they stay safe, where they have access to what they need, where they have the opportunity to recognize their dignity in as human beings. Currently in Gaza it is very difficult to achieve,” she said.


Ms Spoljaric also spoke of the “vicious cycle” between climate change and violence in the regions in which the ICRC operates.

She noted that, for example, if it doesn't rain, food insecurity increases and people “tend to resort to violence to survive.” This is because a majority of the population might depend on agriculture and livestock, she explained.

“We cannot exclude the impact of climate change and conflict dynamics and much more. This is our daily reality that we have to work with,” she said.

She added that large-scale investments in medicine and climate change adaptation must be made in regions with the potential for gun violence, or where it is already happening.

Investments in agriculture are also crucial, she added. She gave examples of more efficient water systems and working with farmers to implement more sustainable practices.

“Delivering bags of food and trucking in water are the least effective and least sustainable ways of providing humanitarian assistance in protracted conflict situations,” she said.

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