
Iceman Wim Hof ​​cleared of death of American teenager


A health guru known as “Iceman” has been acquitted of causing the death of a 17-year-old girl in Los Angeles by a California court due to lack of evidence.

Madelyn Metzger was found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool in August 2022 by her father, who claimed she was practicing breathing exercises promoted by Wim Hof, Dutch media reported.

Hof is a strong proponent of ice baths, which he says boost the immune system, and sells therapies through the Dutch company Innerfire, owned by Hof and his son.

The case is one of twelve drownings that have been linked to Hof's breathing exercises, but it was the first time a case had been brought to court.

The breathing exercises can cause fainting and, according to warnings included in the class, should not be done near water. But critics said many photos of a submerged Wim Hof ​​suggest otherwise and can be misleading.

Madelyn's father, Raphael Metzger, has claimed more than €62 million in damages from Hof's company. He also holds his ex-wife responsible for their daughter's death after she introduced him to the method.

The verdict in the case, expected later this month, was brought forward at the request of Hof's lawyers.

They argued that the issue was not whether or not Hof's breathing exercises could lead to drowning, but whether or not it could be proven that the girl was doing the exercises in the pool at the time and whether that caused her to drown.

The judge acknowledged that no such evidence had been presented and acquitted Hof. Metzger's attorney said he would appeal the sentencing schedule to stop the spread of a “public health threat.”

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