
Husband sparks backlash over missing wedding anniversary and daughter's birthday

A man sparked a debate after sharing why he missed both his and his daughter's wedding anniversary.

In a recent Reddit post shared on the popular subreddit “Am I The C**hole?”, the man explained that his sister was currently pregnant with her first child and was also in the process of divorcing her husband, the child’s father. Since she didn’t want him to be with her in the delivery room, she asked her brother to support her during this time.

“Of course I said yes. She lives in another state and I had to go there for a week. But when I told my wife about it, she told me I would miss my daughter's birthday and our wedding anniversary (they are both a day apart),” he said. explained in his post on Reddit.

According to the Reddit user, his plan was to FaceTime with his daughter on her birthday, then celebrate her wedding anniversary with his wife when he returned from the trip – but his wife wondered why her sister chose not to. not call anyone else.

Despite the argument, he attended the birth of his sister's baby and immediately began planning her wedding anniversary. “My wife seems a little sad about everything,” he wrote.

“I know it's because I missed the birthday, but I really don't see why it would be so important to celebrate it on another day. I understand that my wife considers this day very important and special. But it's just one day and it has no importance compared to the birth of my sister's baby.”

After the publication, many people were quick to weigh in with their opinions, with many saying he was wrong for not turning his decision into one he made alongside his wife, and instead made his decision without consulting her on this subject.

“Missing the birthday and party is, in the grand scheme of things, just a small problem,” one comment began.

“The reason [you’re the a**hole] it's because you decided everything unilaterally, and it was a really sexy thing to do to your wife. You are meant to be partners. This means you need to discuss it with your wife before committing to your sister. You have just demonstrated to your wife that when something is important to you, any consideration for her or your child goes out the window.

“YTA, you made a unilateral decision that directly affected your wife and daughter without any consideration for them,” another commenter agreed. “You basically told them both that their feelings didn't matter as much as your sister's.”

The author of the Reddit post later shared an update after seeing the comments on his original Reddit post. He clarified that both of his parents and grandparents had passed away, so he was his sister's only loved one. He added that he couldn't just make this a random family trip, as they had already sent out invitations for his daughter's sixth birthday party.

“I should have tried harder for our anniversary,” the update read. “I only called her and didn't send her any gifts or flowers for our anniversary, and it's my fault. I had a talk with my wife a few hours ago, apologized for everything and told her I would make it up to you.

“She seemed very happy after the discussion, I think it's because I apologized and took responsibility, which I admit I haven't done recently. I reassured her that our anniversary was the day I will always cherish the most. »

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