
Huron County Sheriff Calls for Safe Boating, Fireworks

Huron County has its own version of “Baywatch” crime fighters who patrol the waters off the county's nearly 100 miles of shoreline, making sure boaters, swimmers, kayakers and personal watercraft riders stay safe. safety during the busy summer months.

Mark Birdsall/Huron Daily Tribune

The Huron County Sheriff's Office wants those enjoying the holiday weekend to avoid spoiling their good times by avoiding incidents related to boating and fireworks.

According to a press release from the sheriff's office, almost every year, the inappropriate use of fireworks disrupts neighborhoods, causes property damage and, worst of all, causes serious injury to a few people.

“We ask that fireworks enthusiasts be aware and cautious when using them,” Sheriff Kelly Hanson said in the news release.

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Safety and caution when using fireworks is a priority, closely followed by respect for neighbors, Hanson said. Every year, county law enforcement responds to complaints about late-night noise and property damage caused by fireworks.

Since Huron County has nearly 100 miles of shoreline and good weather is forecast, Hanson also wants boaters to create great memories this weekend by preparing properly and using safe practices.

Boaters should ensure their boats are properly equipped and follow state and federal laws governing boating safety.

Hanson pointed out that Huron County's North Shore has become a very popular destination for kayaking and those waters have also been the scene of many emergency situations involving kayaks.

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These incidents included several near-death experiences and even death, Hanson added. He strongly encouraged kayakers to understand that although this time of year is considered the unofficial start of summer, water temperatures are currently only in the 50s and short exposure Excessive use of cold water can lead to hypothermia. .

“Kayakers also need to know their physical limits when kayaking and understand exactly what kind of sea conditions their kayaks can handle,” he said. “Under no circumstances should anyone venture out without a properly fitted life jacket. »

Southerly breezes near the coast can also give a false impression in favor of kayaking and the farther offshore kayakers go, the more waves and currents increase, making return difficult.

The sheriff said the most common causes of death in kayaking accidents are overturning or falling overboard and there is no excuse for going out on the water in a kayak without a life jacket.

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“This has happened too many times in our county and a life vest is often the difference between life or death,” he said. “If you don't have a life jacket in the Port Austin area, an assortment is available at the life jacket station on Bird Creek Beach, thanks to a fifth-year effort by our Port Village office Austin and Port. Austin Fire Department.

Loaner life jackets are also available in the Caseville area at the Municipal Harbor through the Harbor Commission and local merchants.

“Several citations are issued each year by our maritime deputies to those who ignore the life jacket law,” Hanson said. “In addition to the importance of a life jacket and appropriate clothing for cold water conditions, we ask kayakers to carry at least one cell phone in some type of waterproof container.”

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Another very important safety measure is to always let someone know where you are going and what time you are expected to return. Hanson asks kayakers to respect local property owners and their right to privacy. Every year, trespassing complaints are filed, many of which result in enforcement action, Hanson said.

He added that no matter where vacationers go, they look twice for a motorcycle.

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