
Human trafficking is a global scourge that affects everyone—Expertise France

By Ewoenam Kpodo, GNA

Aflao (VR), June 10, GNA – Mr. Alessandro Rabbiosi, Project Director, Expertise France, the French International Technical Expertise Agency, expressed concern over the growing threat of human trafficking, describing it as a “global scourge that affects everyone”. »

He said serious human rights violations affecting millions of people, including children, women and men, required a collective effort by governments, international organizations and civil society to prevent, protect and prosecute.

Mr Rabbiosi was speaking at the inaugural ceremony of the Aflao transitional shelter, a renovated building intended to serve as a transit point where victims of human trafficking could be welcomed, counseled and given a chance to rebuild their lives. life.

The inauguration marked the official closing of the five-year regional project to support the fight against human trafficking in six Gulf of Guinea countries (Togo, Benin, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Ghana and Nigeria) aimed at strengthening their actions and their capacities for a targeted fight. and an effective fight against human trafficking.

The project implemented by Expertise France with funding from the European Union (EU) and France was organized around four components: institutional and operational consolidation and prevention actions, maintenance of order, protection of victims and regional cooperation.

The project director appreciated the donor and Ghanaian national partners, among others, for their pivotal role in the implementation of the project, noting that the Aflao transit shelter would be strategic in the fight against human trafficking and hoped it would be followed by “many more actions and successes in the fight against human trafficking in Ghana.”

“Child trafficking, sexual exploitation, economic exploitation, organ trade, domestic servitude, street begging are unfortunately a reality. And Aflao, being above all a border town, is not spared from this reality, especially since West Africa is characterized by a cross-border and circular traffic pattern.

The commitment of all in the fight against human trafficking is essential.”

Madam Dakoa Newman, Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP), expressed the government's deep gratitude to international organizations for the project, which included the renovation of shelters and offices to improve care burden of victims.

She said rescuing victims was a crucial part of a comprehensive strategy to combat human trafficking, as “Ghana is known to be a country of origin, transit and destination for victims of human trafficking. treaty “.

Dr Afisah Zakariah, Chief Director of MoGCSP, said the inauguration marked a very important moment as it would address the problem of inadequate shelters faced by the government and law enforcement agencies, saying currently, “There are only two government-run shelters for victims of human trafficking. » and even with these two, no refuge for adult male victims.

Madam Anna Lixi, Head of the Governance and Security Sector of the EU Delegation to Ghana, said that the EU was very concerned about human trafficking and appreciated the good results achieved by the five-year project, adding that with the inauguration of the Aflao transitional shelter, “we have put the protection of victims at the center of our interventions.


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