
How a caregiver from Sokoto became a human trafficking merchant

Malam Bala Abubakar, a resident of Tudun Wada area, Sokoto South LGA of Sokoto State, was known as a source of relief and caregiver for orphans in the area and neighborhoods until Thursday, April 30, 2024, date which he was paraded along with nine other suspects in child kidnapping and human trafficking.

Abubakar reportedly headed an organization that sought help for orphans and it was for this reason that many widows approached him for help for their orphaned children.

A resident of Tudun Wada, who requested anonymity, said he was shocked to learn of his involvement in the kidnapping and trafficking of children.

“I know Bala has an organization that takes care of orphans. He sought support for them from politicians and other wealthy individuals. And many widows turn to him to provide for the needs of their children.

“No one knew he was involved in this unfortunate (trafficking) case until he was presented by the police with other suspects.

“Our prayer is that the police will investigate further in order to rescue all the victims,” the resident said.

According to the Sokoto State Police Command, Abubakar had sold 28 children, including six of his biological sons, to Elizabeth Oja and Kulu Dogonyaro, all residents of Abuja, for a price ranging from N150,000 to N250,000 .

Nemesis, however, caught up with them when on April 27, 2024, at around 8 p.m., the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Police Command arrested Ms. Dogonyaro and Ojah traveling with five children, including children under the age of five and a 2 week old baby. , when other passengers noticed an unusual feeding method: instead of breastfeeding the infant, he was given powdered milk.

Upon reaching Abuja, the driver of the commercial vehicle went straight to the nearest police station to report the suspicious duo.

At the police station, the suspects claimed that the children were voluntarily handed over to them by their parents in Sokoto to enable them to hand them over to a non-governmental organization for their upkeep and schooling in Abuja.

Further police investigation revealed that Ms Dogonyaro had lived in Sokoto for over 20 years, as confirmed by the mothers of the five rescued children.

According to the police, the mothers were all widows who were tricked into parting with their children under the pretext that they would be handed over to an Abuja-based NGO that would take care of their responsibilities, welfare and education while others child victims were kidnapped on their way. path to Islamic school.

Police added that during the investigation, 15 more children were rescued from other states and two more suspects were arrested, all claiming to have obtained the children through Ms Dogonyaro.

Meanwhile, a total of 20 rescued children have been handed over to Sokoto State Orphanage for proper care, while 10 suspects have been arrested.

I don't sell children – Abubakar

However, Abubakar, in an interview with journalists, denied the allegations against him, saying the children were not kidnapped or trafficked but rather voluntarily subjugated by their mothers who wanted them to have a better life.

“I am neither a trafficker nor a kidnapper. I know Ms Dogonyaro through a friend who happens to be the personal assistant to the former Social Welfare Commissioner.

“One day, a mentally unstable woman abandoned her two children in our area. We took them to our village chief who invited the director of Social Assistance, who came with the woman and picked up the children.

“And that’s how I met Isa who kept coming to me and telling me to entrust these kinds of children to Kulu Dogonyaro; that she had a place where they took good care of the children.

“Since then, I have welcomed orphans brought by their mothers into her home so that they can receive appropriate care. But I don’t collect anything from her,” he said.

Abubakar, however, admitted to handing over his six biological children to the woman, but insisted that he did not collect a cent from her.

I didn't know the children were kidnapped – Elizabeth

For her part, Ms Elizabeth said she did not know the children had been kidnapped.

“I know Kulu Dogonyaro in Sokoto. We lived in the same barracks for over 20 years.

“I came back to Sokoto, looking for a job and she came to my house and asked me to help her take the five children to Abuja because Bala had brought a large number of children to her. And I can't say no to him because we've been friends for 21 years.

“She told me that the children were orphans and would be taken to an organization in Abuja for proper care,” she said.

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