
Hiker Rescued on Las Vegas Valley Trail Shares Near-Death Experience

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – An experienced hiker had a near-death experience while hiking Red Rock Canyon in May, and a volunteer search and rescue team helped change the likely ending of the story.

“I wouldn’t have made it, I wouldn’t be here,” David Smith remembers of his close stint at Red Rock.

The 68-year-old hiker who has been venturing onto Las Vegas-area trails since 2018 said he was recently caught off guard during a May 13 hike.

Smith said he started his hike at Pine Creek Canyon, went to Rainbow Summit and then to Oak Creek Canyon.

David Smith, 68, a hiker who has ventured onto Las Vegas-area trails since 2018, said he was recently caught off guard during a May 13 hike. (KLAS)

“I had almost no water and I still had a kilometer to go. I felt like if I pushed any further I would fall,” he said.

His family appealed for help.

“His family called us, and they called our emergency line and said they had a family member overdue,” said AnJaneen Simenson, family liaison with Red Rock Search and Rescue.

An experienced hiker had a near-death experience while hiking Red Rock Canyon in May, and a volunteer search and rescue team helped change the likely ending of the story. (KLAS)

After receiving the call, the Red Rock Search and Rescue team of volunteers began looking for him, and in about 90 minutes, they found him near Knoll Trail.

“I heard my name being called and I was really embarrassed,” Smith said.

“Our rush team found him very quickly and it was so exciting to hear the call that the subject had been located,” Simenson said.

It took convincing from the rescue team for Smith to go to the hospital and get checked out. He would spend three days in the hospital getting fluids.

An experienced hiker had a near-death experience while hiking Red Rock Canyon in May, and a volunteer search and rescue team helped change the likely ending of the story. (KLAS)

On Wednesday, Smith and AnJaneen met for the very first time since the incident.

“Thank you so much, you were so good!” » Smith exclaimed.

He told 8 News Now he is grateful to be alive and able to hike again.

“I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing because I have to,” he said.

An experienced hiker had a near-death experience while hiking Red Rock Canyon in May, and a volunteer search and rescue team helped change the likely ending of the story. (KLAS)

Red Rock Search and Rescue said to take water, electrolytes and a personal locator beacon with you when you leave. They also said to make sure you leave your plan with someone, specifying the area you will be in and when you will return. In this case, this information helped save his life.

If you or someone you love finds yourself in an emergency situation, you can call the Red Rock Search and Rescue emergency line at 702-758-4727.

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