
Hiker evacuated from mountainous terrain near Aspen under duress

A hiker suffering from a knee injury and illness caused by dehydration and pre-existing medical conditions was successfully evacuated from Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness Monday afternoon, according to a press release from the county sheriff's office by Pitkin.

The hiker, part of a family of six, was on Conundrum Trail when the family requested emergency services and assistance returning to the trailhead around 12:45 p.m. The Conundrum Trailhead is five miles south of Aspen and in the Castle Creek Valley.

The Pitkin County Sheriff's Office notified Mountain Rescue Aspen, while a sheriff's deputy went to the trailhead and began walking toward the family in need around 1:46 p.m. The responding deputy said made contact with the patient shortly after 2:30 p.m. Mountain Rescue Aspen arrived around 3 p.m.

After assessing and securing the patient in a rescue stretcher, rescue teams began their descent off the trail, the release said.

“During the descent, the patient became ill due to dehydration and pre-existing medical conditions. Additional MRA team members were deployed to the field to stabilize the patient,” the statement said. “Aspen Ambulance District was dispatched to the trailhead around (4:18 p.m.). The Aspen Ambulance District made contact with the patient around 4:54 p.m. and transported him to Aspen Valley Hospital.

“All members were off the field around (5:30 p.m.).”

The Pitkin County Sheriff's Office would like to thank the Aspen Ambulance District and the 23 members of Mountain Rescue Aspen for their assistance with this rescue. Mountain Rescue Aspen wants to encourage backcountry visitors to wear an emergency communications device and prepare adequately for weather conditions, the release states.

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