
Hempstead Town plans to reverse zoning changes near train stations that would have spurred development

Five years ago, Hempstead officials launched a bipartisan effort to transform a jumble of commercial and residential areas near commuter rail stations in Inwood and North Lawrence into a vibrant, walkable community. That effort failed, and the city is now considering repealing sections of its zoning code to prevent mixed-use multifamily housing from being built in the area.

The Hempstead City Council has scheduled a June 4 hearing to cancel the city's transit-oriented development district for Inwood and North Lawrence, as well as a neighborhood business district that allows apartments to be built on ground floor businesses and an overlay of townhouses and townhouses. district.

The language of the repeal states that it is necessary because “concerns have been raised that the procedures for approving projects in these 'districts do not represent best practices to ensure that 'careful consideration' be focused on several potentially significant negative environmental impacts” of the development. .

The measure says an “expedited review process” under the code “does not provide a meaningful level of public oversight” and does not “properly consider” the cumulative effect of multiple projects under construction in the region .

The Hempstead Zoning Plan

2019: Hempstead Town Council approves transit-oriented development zoning change in Inwood and North Lawrence.

2022: Hempstead Town Council imposes moratoriums on such projects.

2024: Hempstead Town Council will consider repealing the zoning change.

The proposal states that the zoning “could have significant negative impacts on, among other things, community character and quality of life” and that it poses a “threat to public health, safety and welfare.”

The city council imposed breaks in 2022 on projects under construction according to zoning codes. The moratoriums were extended into 2023 and 2024, with the latest extension expiring on June 18.

A planned project under transit-oriented development zoning is located at 25 Wanser Ave. in Inwood.

In 2021, the Hempstead Industrial Development Agency approved tax breaks for the $154 million, 313-unit building on behalf of 25 Wanser LLC, a subsidiary of Commack-based Heatherwood Luxury Rentals, records show. Attempts to reach company officials and its lawyer were unsuccessful Friday. The City Council approved a parcel plan for the project last year, records show.

City spokesperson Casey Sammon said Friday that project would be grandfathered under the proposed repeal.

Under the repeal, the city would allow projects that have already received certain approvals to move forward.

Town Supervisor Donald Clavin Jr. declined to be interviewed.

City spokesman Brian Devine did not identify any other projects that could be grandfathered.

Sammon released a statement saying, “The City Council looks forward to working with area residents to decide the best path forward. »

Zoning changes for overlay districts for Transit-oriented development, neighborhood retail, townhomes and townhomes in Inwood and North Lawrence approved in 2019 were led by then-Supervisor Laura Gillen and then-Councilman Bruce Blakeman, who is now Nassau County Executive.

The goal of the zoning, according to an 877-page environmental report commissioned by the city and released in 2019, was to “create vibrant, walkable hamlet centers, each with a distinctive sense of place, around the Inwood and Lawrence train stations LIRR with mixed activities”. -use development and housing choices.

Eric Alexander, director of Vision Long Island, a downtown planning organization, said Hempstead's effort to repeal its zoning code is a drag on efforts in Albany to build more housing. In 2023, Gov. Kathy Hochul sought to force communities to allow increased housing density within a half-mile radius of Long Island Rail Road stations. This effort failed in the face of opposition from suburban elected officials.

“We are seeing negative reactions,” Alexander said. “That’s part of it.”

At a March 12 hearing to extend the moratorium, speakers against the development were largely from the village of Lawrence and Woodmere and expressed concerns about potential increased traffic and strains on infrastructure due upon the arrival of new residents. Most pro-development speakers identified themselves as members of the construction industry and emphasized the need for more housing on Long Island and the jobs that new construction would bring.

This hearing contrasted with that of May 7, 2019, when the zoning codes were adopted. At that hearing, speaker after speaker spoke about revitalizing a devastated area and bringing much-needed housing.

Kyle Strober, executive director of the Association for a Better Long Island, co-wrote a letter to the city in March asking it to lift the moratorium to allow development to move forward.

In a statement on the expected repeal of overlay zones, Strober said, “While it is disappointing that these overlay zones are being eliminated, we have been reassured that the city will work with any developer seeking to build housing in these areas.

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