
Helldivers 2 players may soon be receiving new weapons from the first game, which could lead to a series of anti-tank mine memes

The major order that Helldivers 2 has been working on for the past few days is proving to be very interesting. The latest developments seem to indicate that new weapons from the first Helldivers could be coming.

If you're not aware, the MO has tasked people with preserving the planet X-45 so that the ruins of a “lost advanced weapons lab from the First Galactic War” that was “working on developing a powerful interplanetary battle station” before falling into disuse can be excavated. As you can imagine, this has generated a great deal of interest among the old divers.

While working on this project, players have received a new strategic update, which reads: “The first layer of rubble covering the X-45 Advanced Weapons Lab has been cleared. Early reports indicate that the facility remains largely intact.

“There may even be a cache of still-functioning weapons from the First Galactic War in the lab. Further excavation work is underway.” So there's something besides the station to get excited about, though it seems that the excitement is also accompanied by a tidal wave of memes about anti-tank mines.

You see, among the people posting about how they wish Arrowhead would give them the M2016 Constitution that was released in Helldivers 1 to celebrate Freedom Day in 2016 or a LAS-13 Trident, there are a bunch who think that this retro weaponry might just be the anti-tank mines they're not too fond of. Literally, players have had plenty of chances in previous MOs to get their hands on these mines, and they've chosen not to every time, even choosing to do the good deed of saving children instead on one of those occasions.

We'll see how things go, but any additional weapons in the near future will be a welcome addition, as Arrowhead is currently holding off on making any big changes or deploying War Bonds for a little while, in order to allow its developers to take a vacation and stick to its new update cadence.

That said, there are still plenty of fixes to be made, with community manager Twinbeard providing a bit more information via Discord this morning on how the recently misbehaving Superior Packing Methodology ship module is currently working. In short: “SPM is indeed working as expected (a minor bug was mentioned) [in the Discord post here]). We're considering changing a few things that might improve the experience, but overall it works as it should.

Which weapons from the first game that haven’t arrived yet would you most like to use in Helldivers 2? Let us know below!

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