
Helldivers 2 Fans Think the Answer to Weapon Problems Lies in Helldivers 1's Example, and They're Not Wrong

It's been a while since some updates were supposed to do Helldiverse 2 better ended up hurting the game in several ways. In an effort to ensure the balance of its title, the way Arrowhead handled the situation was not appreciated by the majority of the community. The patch made Helldiverse 2 less enjoyable, with some weapons being nerfed in the process, decreasing their effectiveness during battles.

While Helldiverse 2 players are waiting for the developer to do something regarding the weapon balancing scenario, it has been pointed out that the potential solution is not far away and has been implemented perfectly by the same studio before.

Helldivers 2 could learn balancing from its OG counterpart

Many weapons in Helldiverse 2 suffered from the developer's balancing efforts.

Although the director of Helldiverse 2 Discord informed the community To not get your hopes up and keep your expectations in check regarding a balance patch, players are still thinking about potential solutions to the problem. It turns out the answer to this seemingly complicated question lies right in front of everyone, considering Arrowhead was the one who already figured it out with the original. Helldiverse.

The best improvement for primary weapons has already been implemented in the first Helldivers.
byu/Believemeustink inHelldivers

A major problem with primary weapons in Helldiverse 2 is that the developer hasn't provided a way to upgrade them, so the stats in them remain consistent across the board, until a patch comes along and nerfs them, leaving players no choice but to accept the changes.

This led one community member to mention the productive way in which the 2015 edition Helldiverse addressed the balancing aspects, integrating “upgrades” for weapons to ensure that none of them seem completely useless. Helldiverse 2 could take a page from its own predecessor's book by allowing players to spend their “requisition vouchers» about some perks they can add to their weapons.

Not only will this help with the longevity of primary weapons, but it would also be a great way to avoid the constant negative player feedback that currently plagues the Arrowhead game.

Weapons from the original Helldivers came with unique upgrades

Weapon upgrades have the potential to return the Arrowhead Game Studios title to its former glory.

Arrowhead Game Studios has proven that it genuinely cares about the titles it creates, and achieving a certain level of detail is what the developer seems to strive for with each release. It was the same for the original Helldiverse game, where balancing issues were almost non-existent due to weapons mostly having unique upgrades that only applied to them.

For example, the Liberator AR and the Scorcher Plas, weapons available in Helldiverse 2 and are currently going through a rough patch, each accompanied by two separate upgrades.

On the contrary, weapons like the Sickle came with four different upgrades, thanks to which balance issues never became too glaring and the variety of weapons kept the community happy. Unfortunately, with the path Helldiverse 2the number of players is down, adding new elements such as upgrades has the potential to return the game to its former glory.

Would you like weapon upgrades in Helldiverse 2? Do you have a possible solution to the balancing issues? Let us know in the comments!

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